
When did you lose your virginity???

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When did you lose your virginity???




  1. 14 but it was by accident and i totally regret it

  2. 15....i probably should have waited a bit

  3. I was 14, I am now 25 and I am married to him!!!!

  4. not yet, dude. i'm too young.

    but i will when i get married.

  5. Not yet. :D

  6. i haven't. i'm 20

    i'm waiting until marriage.

  7. When I was with someone I loved and knew I was ready.

    No regrets there.

  8. I still am one =]

    I'm 15 and i intend on keeping it for a while..

  9. At age17 by a 24 year old lady. She put that thang on me, can't forget about it!

  10. I'm a 16 yr old male and the girl was 17...she basically raped me.

  11. 16, but it pretty much sucked. Wish I would have been a little more picky.

  12. i haven't yet.

    jeez, stop pressuring me!

    i'm only 14!

  13. My husband and I gave our virginity to each other on our wedding night.  You can only give it once and we have never had any regrets about waiting.

  14. I'm nearly 58, and I'm still "unicorn bait". A celibate life IS possible. I grew up in a time period in which "Good girls don't" was the rule. I got through the Sixties and my college years without "straying from the path", and by then, it was a way of life.

    I'd rather read, write stories, sketch, study, etc., channeling my energies into creative endeavors.

  15. tomorrow

  16. Haven't =)

  17. still a virgin

    waiting til marriage

    im 15

  18. Well, I technically lost my virginity at age 13. But that was rape.

    Be careful who you're close to!

  19. when did you lose yours?? or did you?? are you looking to compare to see if your old enough, i bet you are, just use a condom... pill is more reliable though... i didnt check, but if your a girl its mostly your responsibility.

  20. 16 now i wish i could of waited, allthough im 17 now.

  21. 20 - to my husband.

  22. I was 17...unfortunately. Now I wish I would have waited for my husband.

  23. I was 16 & on my honeymoon because that is the way I wanted it.

  24. 17 and felt like I should just give in to him...wish I'd been true to my conscience and waited. Still regret this at age 37 sometimes.

  25. still a virgin & will lose it wen im married

  26. i havent...

    yet, i'm only 15

    ladies i'm free, please hahahaha lol

  27. 24 years ago at the age of 17!!

  28. 15 after a year relationship with a loving boyfriend who im still with after 3 years

  29. 17, after 8 months in a happy relationship.

  30. 17, got pregnant a couple months later:)

  31. Not yet. I am 18 this August. Better to be a Virgin, then know a year down the row, that you have a child.

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