
When did you lose your virgnity?

by  |  earlier

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do you regret it?




  1. 19 years old. I don't regret it. i lost my virginity with my husband.

  2. i didnt yet, im 13 and i know ALOT of girls and guys my age that lost it already, there only 13

  3. I'm still a virgin.

  4. Call me old fashioned, but I plan on losing it when I'm married. That way there are no regrets.

  5. Depends how you define it. I was raped, but I didn't really willingly give it up to a guy until my early twenties. Obviously I regret the former, but I don't regret the latter.  

  6. i was 23 ON MY WEDDING NIGHT

    no i dont regret waiting cause we were both virgins  

  7. "Mint condition, brand new in box, never used! A complete collectors item!"

    I am proud of waiting because I want it to be a special moment for the one who cares about me. I am not saving myself for religious reasons; but, I don't feel the need to do it simply to do it.

    my answer...

    still waiting! : )

  8. When I met the girl that was just as insane as I am. No, I didn't regret it.

  9. This should be asked in Polls & Surveys.  21.  No.

  10. Im 13 years old, and still a virgin. I know so many girls around my age who did it, and regret it. Even my mom did it at 14, and regrets it.

    I am planning on saving it for when i am truly in love.  

  11. I lost it when i was 10, well technically 11. When I was ten years old, I ate out a girl. When I was 11 I ******* my elementary school teacher.

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