
When did you or will you pack your hospital bag?

by  |  earlier

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just curious about personal experiences. all the pregnancy sites and newsletters say anywhere from 34-36 weeks. i am planning on packing mine at the later, about 36 weeks, which i am now 34 weeks, although i may put a few things in now that i wont need at all till delivery. when did you or will you pack yours? i am majorly nesting lately however i am not soooo anxious like some that i pack tooo early LOL HAHA. BLESSINGS




  1. I would pack up everything you need for you and the baby right now because you wait to long and wham you need to go in right away have you ever gave a list to hubby or boyfriend or friend I don't know where to find this is this the right color are you sure you need this and only brings up 1/2 the things.

    I'd be safe then sorry.

  2. I would do it as soon as possibe, because the baby could be born early, or you could have something go wrong, where you need to go ASAP, so I would do it as soon as possible.

  3. I usually packed mine about 35 weeks.  You just never know when the big day will come.  I would go ahead and pack it.  You can't fight the nesting instinct. HA HA!  Good luck!

  4. I packed mine a couple of weeks before my due date for my first, and he was two weeks late. I will pack earlier for this one. I've heard the next baby comes before the due date and a bit more unexpectedly, so I want to be prepared.

  5. I packed my early b/c I knew I would be early and I was...35 weeks. Get some of those gerber packaged onsies and maybe a premie outfit (walmart actually has a lot of premie clothes). My son was 6 pounds and didn't fit anything...all his cute stuff was way too bug. At 3 days we had to go buy new clothes.

    I packed socks (a must!), a shirt to wear over my gown (loved that!), and bunch of c**p I never used! I spent the early hours in labor asleep (I went into labor at 10am). So, by the morning I wasn't interested in magazines, etc. But, if it is during the day I could see how that might be helpful.

    Make sure your partner has things to eat, stuff to do and extra clothes.

    Hope that helps

  6. ha - I packed mine after my water broke.... 11 days before  my due date.

  7. I was very lazy and left it till about 39 weeks, and it sat there gathering dust till 42 weeks when i was induced. None of my babies have ever been born on time.

  8. my first pregnancy i didn't pack at all-- i went to the er with a severe headache/migraine and was diagnosed with preeclampsia and possible early eclampsia---- my sister took me to the hospital at 2 am (she hadn't even been driving but 2 weeks or so)---- i was told i wouldn't be allowed to leave the hospital because my blood pressure was unstable, i was put on bed rest-- i had to depend on my sister and others to bring me clothes and things i needed---- i'm currently 30 weeks with my second son (pregnancy) and haven't even thought about packing yet.

    good luck

  9. With my first son I didn't pack until it was time to go to the hospital. I'll probably do the same thing this time. You really don't need to bring a lot of stuff with you.

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