
When did you realize that you had FINALLY come into your own as a woman and mother.....?

by  |  earlier

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When I was a kid I did things to make people angry, during my teen years i continued to do things to shock, annoy and anger people, then I had a baby and I still had that i want to shock people mentality, although alot more quiet then before.

I finally realized last night that while I don't TRY to shock people any longer I end up still shocking them just because of who I am and the ideals I hold. I realized that I have finally come into my own.

When did you realize you had "grown up" or come into your own?




  1. The first time I saw that POSITIVE pregnancy test.

  2. I was 18 and pg with my first child.  I changed my entire outlook the second I saw that + test.  All of my foolish, rebellious ways were done and I had to grow up and make decisions for me and my baby.

  3. Going through college is what allowed me to mature and think and act more objectively.  It's an experience that was highly beneficial.

  4. About 2 months after we got married and my husband was deployed. I was only 19 and he was 20 so many of our friends were still in that "partying" mentality while we were focusing on our marriage and future. It was weird because everyone kept asking how I was doing it or how I dealt or how I could be with only ONE person.

    Here we are, almost four years later and we've survived another deployment since and just had our baby boy in April.

  5. When I got pregnant....I was already starting to get away from the party scene and so was my bf but we still went to the bars some on the weekends.....then it turned into just sitting at home with a bottle of wine and chatting the night away and playing board games and ppl saw us every once in a while now we dont go out at prego and there are places we could still go to but its just not our thing.....he doesnt even drink anymore b/c I cant and we probably wont drink after the baby is born....just not our thing anymore.  It all happened so fast b/c we were only together 5 months before I got prego.  Now all the parties and seeing ppl act like fools isint so cool anymore.  Taking care of ourselves and the baby im carrying is one of the most important things for us!

  6. the first time i felt comfortable naked in front of my fiance..strangely enough i was 6 months pregnant with stretch marks all over my b***s and butt (never there before) and i was a total mess

  7. I came into my own when I finally let go of being selfish and found myself being the most selfLESS that I ever had been in my entire life.  I realized that I am not the most important person anymore, but rather have children to nurture and protect, so looking back, realizing that to give life and to love something more than I ever imagined possible, was the moment I grew up.

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