
When did you register at the hospital?

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I'm going to go tomorrow and register at the hospital where I'm going to deliver.My question is is it to early I'm 33 weeks.




  1. Possibly not - you may even be a bit late. Speaking as a grandma who had her children many moons ago - I registered somewhere between 3 and 6months if memory is serving me correctly - today  hospitals are usually even more busy - so I would imagine that the earlier you can register the better - so that the hospital can be prepared for your needs and arrival

    Here is a website that confirms my thoughts - 2nd trimester is a good time to register  

  2. Thank you very much for posting this. I had no idea that you had to register- throughout all this research, nobody told me! You just saved me a ton of aggravation. (I'm 13 weeks.) I'd imagine, for you, the sooner the better.

    Good luck, congratulations, and thanks again for posting this!!!!

  3. everyone i know goes to the hospital at 12 weeks.... i dont think i could ever hold out until 33 weeks !! its definately not too early, maybe too late!

  4. You can register anytime after your 3rd month.  I didnt register until 8 months pregnant.  Its not really a big deal, you just go into Labor and Delivery fill out some forms, and give them your Drivers License and Insurance card so they can make a copy of it.  Atleast that is what I did, Im sure most hospitals are pretty similar.  In all it took me 10 min.

  5. No, it's not to early.  Most hospitals are grateful to the parents-to-be for preregistering, before the blessed event happen.  You would be amazed at the number of people who just go, and then the woman has to suffer through the whole process.  Yikes!  Don't forget your ID, Insurance card, and make sure that your Dr does deliveries in that hospital.  In larger cities, with several hospitals, some Dr's only "work" at a couple of them.  Good Luck and Blessings on your wonderful new addition!

  6. I think last time I did it before 20 weeks, and this time I really should be getting onto it as I need to go to a hospital very far from where I live and I hope they have room for me. I am 24 weeks and havent done it yet. Thanks for reminding me : )

  7. My doc is  giving me all the info I need about the hospital at 24 weeks, and I'll visit the hospital after that. So no I don't think it's too early.

  8. My doctor's office is in a clinic attached to a hospital and at 12 weeks I went over there and checked in.  I signed a few papers and they gave me a quote on how much the delivery would cost.  They like to have women come in early so that they can pay in installments if needed.  

  9. I registered earlier than that. Do they have some kind of restriction?

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