
When did you start caring about politics or your local government?

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Please not any "Because that Hottie Bono had a concert and...."

Did an incident that affected you made you interested? Was it because of a wrong done by a family member or freind? Was it a book you read or a conversation you had with someone? Do tell.




  1. During the 1950s when I attended high school. I became eligible to vote in 1960. I have not missed voting in any general, special or primary election since and have sought elective office twice.

  2. I started paying attention sophomore year in college when I had to take a political science course to meet a requirement. The professor was so amazing and I found the mix of history and current events fascinating and I switched majors to Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy. I interned in a Legislators office my senior year in college and I have kept up with politics ever since then.

  3. I started paying attention during the Iran contra scandal ... when Reagan got Alzheimer's and Ollie North took the blame for him

    up until then I was a Republican ... and I'm still trying to figure out how the GOP was hijacked by neo-cons, and why anyone believes what they have to say

  4. I began to get really interested during the 2000 debates, but when it turned into a vote counting fiasco, I was hooked!

  5. When the mess and the smell of my neighbors became intolerable, I started to react. From then on, it has become my habit to get involved in community affairs.

  6. Viet Nam War

    at age 16 in 1971

    Turned me Conservative and into a republican.

    I so do hate Communist that much

  7. I got really interested in politics after having children. Prior to that it seemed like a really dull subject. After that, it seemed really important to be involved in preserving the world for their future.

  8. As a child I adored my father, whose interests became mine, and he paid attention to Edward R. Murrow when Murrow had his television show.  He voted and was a civic participant.  That started it.  As a teen when Kennedy was killed, it became a lifelong responsibility to participate.  Then Bobby and King, and wrongs to right became apparent.

  9. About 6 years ago when I started working nights, bought a piece of property and got my tax bill.

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