
When did you start drinking? and where are you from?

by  |  earlier

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I was about 13 when i started drinking, before the unders on a friday and saturday night in town with my friends.

My mum used to buy me it, and my friends mums would buy them drink to bring into town with us on a saturday. so we could finish it before going to the unders.

also i'm from Glasgow, Scotland. UK

what about you?




  1. This is cute- what are the unders?

    My first real drinking experience was at the roller skating rink, I was 14 and stole a bottle of Bacardi Rum from my parents and my friends and I drank it out back.

    Back then I lived in Texas and it was crazy - s*x drugs and rock and roll.

  2. 12-13 never used to drink much .. me and my friends would steal a couple bottles of beer and wine coolers from our parents fridge and we thought we were really cool.. then when i was like 14 or 15 my parents started buying it for me and didnt care as long as I was being safee ... i lived with my nan for a couple years and she wouldnt let me drink but we used to sneak .. i lived with my nan from 14-16 but whenever i was with my parents they let me drink wheneverr ..then finally i got sick of living with my nan and moved to alberta with my parents and now ill be 18 in a couple weeks...oh ya and i moved to alberta from newfoundlandd , Canadaa

  3. Oh Wow! Here in good old USA, if someone buys a minor (underaged) liquor, it is illegal!

    Drinking age limit in Pennsylvania, USA is 21.

    I tasted my first when i was 17. After I saw what it did to my best friend, I never drank again...

  4. when i was 13 i stole a bottle of jameson whiskey from my dad and me and my friend drank it in a field around the corner good 19 living in ireland

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