
When did you start driving?? Did you like it or not??

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I'm curious as to when people started driving and if you wanted to drive or not. My parents made me start driving and I hate it with a passion. Am I just a freak? Does like everyone like to drive or something??




  1. Personally i love driving. Not so much for the driving part itself, but for the freedom it gives me. I love being able to get in my car and go wherever i want with it, and not having to rely on others to get places. I feel like i have more control over things now. If i need or want something i can go get it instead of having to ask my parents or a friend to drive me there. Roll down those windows, and crank the music! haha

  2. I was 16 and i wanted to because i had a job and didn't like walking or riding my bike everywhere. Not everyone likes driving its just easier to get to and from places, plus you can leave places whenever you want rather than if your in the passenger seat you have to leave when the driver wants too. Honestly driving isn't fun is just easier and faster.

  3. I was around eight years old.  We lived on a farm and I used to drive the pick up truck, team of horses and later on, the tractor.  It was no easy thing driving the pick up truck because I had trouble seeing over the dash board and keeping my foot on the accelerator at the same time.  When I grew up it was necessary for everyone in the family to pull his own weight and driving was a necessity to get the work done.  I got my drivers license at age 16.  I didn't mind driving since we lived a mile off the nearest road and three miles from the nearest town of maybe 200 people.  Driving sure beat walking.  

  4. The first time I drove on the road I was 13yo.(1980) It was snowing and my mother didn't want to drive; so she made me. After that, she let drive to school occasionally. I didn't get my drivers license till I was 16.  

  5. I didn't start driving until I was 19.  I absolutely hated it.  After I got my license, I went and bought my first car.  Two weeks after I got my car, I wrecked it.  It took me two weeks and two thousand dollars to get back on the road but I did it.  and now I love to drive.

  6. i was 17 i think when i frist learned to drive.

    i hate it. im horrible at it and i havnt driven a day since i moved out at 18(im 23 now)

    its to stressful for me but if i had to do it, i know i could, but i just dont have to yet lol.

    it is really nice to have that...freedom though. i miss that : /

  7. I'm 17...I haven't even started driving yet. I feel really behind since most kids at my school get their license during their sophomore or junior year and I'm going to be a senior...

    I just haven't got to it yet, with studying for the SAT and preparing for college. Driving is a pretty big responsibility that I probably wouldn't have been ready for at 15.

    I don't know what's the rush with teens and driving. Interestingly, apparently more teens are driving after age 16 now...

    And you're not alone. Although many teens are excited about driving, it's not really the driving per se that excites them, it's just the independence. Most adults don't find driving actually fun (I think). And I'm not looking forward to it...

  8. I started driving at about 12, but that was on private property and I enjoyed it.

    But when I was old enough to get a drivers license, it scared me a lot. The car was a 66 Newport, and the hood looked like 40 acres of unplowed land. I hated it.

    My first car (I didn't like it) was a 65 Ford Custom and not my favorite car.

    Now I love to drive. But not those big hunks of iron from the 60's like the Newport's and Galaxies are.

    So you are not alone in your likes and dislikes. Maybe it is better this way.  

  9. My son was seventeen before he even wanted to get his permit. He has no need to drive. He has his older siblings cart him around.

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