
When did you start feeling...?

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When did you (if you have) start to feel old? How did it make you feel, what did you do about it? At what age did you feel this way?




  1. 22 I know most people would say im insane but for some reason shortly after my birthday I felt old. Not like physically or anything, I just couldnt believe how fast it came. The last I remembered I was getting ready to graduate high school.

  2. 21

  3. Hasn't happened yet and I'm 53.  Sure, the effects of gravity are having their way with me and by body isn't able to do some of the stuff it did when I was in my 20's, but mentally I still feel like a 20 something.

  4. I am 34 and it hasn't really happened yet. I joke about it at times but I don't feel old. Most of my friends are anywhere 3-13 years older than me. So I always feel young lol.

  5. i'm 22 and i've felt old since high school, mostly because i was older than most of the kids the grae ahead of me. it's like that in college too.

  6. You are only as old as you feel.  I'm 39 and no I'm not old, but honestly I don't have the time to dwell on my age, nor would I really want to.  There are so many better ways to spend my time then think of how old i am.

  7. I didn't really start "feeling old" until recently.  I'm 49 and my daughter is 17.  In about a year, she will be the same age her mom was when we started dating.  That made me feel old.  But I soon got over it . . .

  8. I am 32 and it is starting to hit me.  I noticed it the first time I cringed when a kid pulled up next to my car with his music blasting.  The thump thump thump in my ears made me seriously consider running his car over with my minivan so I stop the noise!  In my heart, I am still 17, but watching the teenage boys with their sideways hats and underwear showing....I am starting to feel my age.

  9. I started to feel old when my oldest sister had her twins.  That was 9 years ago, and I was 18.  I remember thinking we were all growing up and we couldn't get back to playing and pretending.

  10. When I turned 25 I felt old.  I went to school for advertising and had the whole demographic thing drummed in to me.  18-24 is considered the desirable young demographic and well... at 25 I wasn't in that group anymore.  And around that age I suddenly had a hard time shopping for clothing.  Juniors sizes and styles weren't quite right, but I didn't want old fuddy-duddy clothes either.  Oh, and this was also the age I started noticing some fine lines around the eyes of my friends.  (I have been spared a little because I wear SPF and sunglasses everyday)

  11. I am 28 and feel like I am an eternity.  I think what really did it, was finding out my babys dads new girlfriend was born in 88.  I was like going through puberty by then.  And then having to explain to my 7yr old who Def Leppard and the Smurfs are.  Watching a show that made fun of hammer pants, tight rolling,  Vanilla Ice, KNOTB and all the stuff I remember being totally in!  Also the $2.00 packs of cigarettes, $0.50 candy bars and everything else that was totally affordable.  Also I might add looking into the mirror and understanding botox is in my extreme near future!  I guess I'll stop rambling before I have a mid life crisis!!  :)

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