
When did you start potty training your child?

by Guest33921  |  earlier

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When did you start potty training your child?




  1. I would say 2 1/2 to 3 years old but make sure you are very patient.

  2. When they acknowledge they are wet or dirty.  No child is alike so it depends on the child.  Somewhere around 2 years of age is the average.

  3. From the get go (when we brought him home) I always narrated what we were doing. From diapers to play - everything. And, as he began to talk I would narrate potty words. And, when I pottied and he was interested I explained.

    As his vocab became better I would reiterate potty, pee, and p**p and where he `put` them. And, let him visually see them.  About a week or two after he turned two he started vocalizing them back to me!!


    After that is was easy. I`d let him go around naked so he could see the pee, which he called `water`. I told him that was pee and he needed to put it in the potty like daddy/mommy. He was eager and replied `okay mommy!`. In no time he was in big boy pants.


    Actually, I was most worried about that but it has been the easiest thing about his terrible twos!! LOL.

    I shouldn`t forget to add that I kept a large bag of suckers in the bathroom. He knows they are there and loved the treat - ONLY for potty though.

    I also made him a part of it, he got to put some paper in the potty and flush it. He told his pee and p**p bye bye.

    We also made up a `Hunter peed in the potty` song. Remixed with the disco hit `Shake your booty/grove thang`. He loves it!! And, sings it along with me now ;) Even my one year old shakes his booty and claps his hands!! Make it fun :))

    And, good luck!

  4. My son is 25 months old and we started last week, and I am happy to say that today was accident free!! It won't be like that everyday, but I am so proud of him!! This week has been really tough, we haven't left the house and he was naked the first 4 days. Now he pulls his big boy undies on and off! Hooray!!!

  5. i started when my daughter turned 2 but didnt get fully trained until 2 years 8 months!

  6. My son was 21 months when he first showed interest, but he's now 2 1/2, and still figuring things out. He's just taking his time! :)

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