
When did you start shopping for your dress/bridesmaid's dresses?

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We're not getting married until September '09, but everyone tells me I should start to look for my gown now (we've been engaged for about a month). And I really want to because to be honest, I just kind of want to get it over with. But at the same time, is it too early? When did you start looking for your dress?

Also, when did you order your bridesmaid's dresses? I want to get that done as soon as possible, too, as I already have the color and store picked out.

Happy answering!




  1. Bridesmaids are buying their dresses.I bought my dress a week after being engaged.

  2. I have been engaged for a little over a month too, our wedding is August 15,2009. This Saturday I'm going to start shopping for my dress (keep in mind it can take anywhere from 9-12 mos. for gown alterations) My bridesmaids dresses will be ordered probably about 4-6mos before the wedding. You're right on track, it's better to start early so you're not rushed near the end and turn into a total BRIDEZILLA, you know? Good Luck and have fun!!!

  3. It's way too early!! cause during the time just before you getting married, you might have a better idea of what the dresses you want, you might have different ideas by then, so wait till 3 or 2 month before. If you order it online, you need to start  3 or 4 months before since you might find out it doesn't fit perfectly and you might need some time to re-size it.

  4. I got mine the weekend after we got engaged, but not on purpose haha! My fiance was away for the weekend and my mom said we should go "looking" at bridesmaid dresses. I ended up buying my own gown (I am still not sure how that happened lol...) that day!

    Early is good. Plus you have plenty of time to start trying things on and fidning exactly what you LOVE and what looks best on you. Shop around. I felt the same way about "getting it over with" when I was in the store lol. But when I put on "the dress" I knew it was over because I'd found the perfect one ( =

    I am starting to look for BM dresses (one year until my wedding) and will have them nailed down by November.

    Take an honest friend or your mom with you to ensure you get the most honest opinions. Good luck and have fun!

  5. You can look for it now. A year in advance is good if you are going with a gown that has to be ordered/tailored/is expensive/etc.

    I ordered mine directly from China, and it took 3 months to ship (even though it was only supposed to take one)>

    As long as you don't think you'll be losing or gaining a lot of weight, you should do it whenever you can. Just remember - once you order it and it comes in, you have to store it somewhere until the wedding!

    I'd probably wait a little longer on bridesmaid's dresses. They're not as involved, and you may have more style choices if you wait. Or the ones you like now may go on sale. Anyway, go ahead and look, but I'd look again maybe 6-8 months before the wedding. That will give everyone time to order them.

    As far as waiting because "you might have a better idea later what you want," I've always thought that's a little silly. When you find the right dress, you'll know. It doesn't matter if it's sooner or later. Just make sure you have an idea of what kind of wedding you're having/theme (if applicable) and where it will be located, then go pick your dress. It's not like you have to buy the first time you go shopping. You can spend 4 or 5 months looking. But you should start looking now.

  6. I waited a little late to get my dress, about a month before the wedding. That said, I think now is a great time to start looking, but be aware that you may have to get alterations done if you buy it now. You never know if you will gain or lose a few pounds over the course of a year. So you may have to pay a little extra to get it taken in or out if you get it now, but it's totally your choice! Bridesmaids dresses would probably be the same, although I wouldn't advise waiting as long as I did; that's very stressful lol But hey it's whatever you want do, and if the possibilty of a couple extra bucks is worth it, go ahead. Final thoughts: Now is a great time to at least look at dresses to figure out what style you want whether or not you buy one. Happy hunting!

  7. I got engaged while on a vacation at Walt Disney World and started dress shopping the day after we got home, lol. That was about 14 months away from my wedding. However, I only really did some preliminary looking around then for about a week, then waited until my moh got to come in for a few weeks from Germay, where she lives - that was about a month after I got engaged / a year before the wedding. While she was here, we ended up finding all of the dresses, but didn't order them until about 6 months away from the wedding. I recommend giving yourself plenty of time to look around - that was the great thing about shopping a year out, since I knew we wouldn't order them for 6 months, I didn't feel pressured to find the dress quickly and got to look at a ton of dresses and shops - it was a lot of fun! Good luck!

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