
When did you start to get your tummy measured by your midwife?

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I'm 25 weeks so just had my 24 week appointment and haven't had my tum measured yet. Anyone know when they start to measure you?




  1. they measure you at 28 weeks until birth xx

  2. hi im currently 28 weeks and had mine measured at last appointment think i was 24-25 weeks x

  3. Had mine done today and im 29 weeks tomorrow.  They said its gonna be big...oh no!!

  4. for me it was around 29 or 30 depends on your physician

  5. My OB started measuring mine at 25 weeks.

  6. My OB started measuring me at 21 weeks.  Some start later.  My husband and I had a hard time getting pregnant, so Doc is taking extra special care of me.  I think she's just as excited about my pregnancy as we are.

  7. Mine started at 20 weeks

  8. my midwife said that she will measure mine at my next appointment which will be at 25 weeks

  9. I seem to remember the midwife measuring me every month and the growth was 1cm a week. Maybe they don't bother any more.

  10. Mine started at 20 weeks.

  11. with my last pregnancy i had it measured at 29 weeks

  12. i had my at 28weeks, and my baby is too big lol


  13. I got measured today and I am 28w2d! And so far spot on! :D


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