
When did you start using toothpaste to clean your kids teeth??

by Guest64922  |  earlier

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What age were they? & when did your child have their first dentist apointment?




  1. My son has no teeth yet. But I was reading in a book today about it, and it said that it's best not to use toothpaste at all until the child is one. So that is what I'm going to do. In the mean time I'm going to use water.

  2. toothpaste was when they could spit it out. So around 2.5 I think. They had their first appointment at 5 yrs

  3. at the age of 2 or 3

  4. When they were 4 1/2 i started using Crest Kids Cavity & Whitening toothpaste, They're 10 and still use it today! At the age of 5, they had their first dentist appointment.

  5. Wipe a babies gums with gauze. Don't put to bed with a bottle!  Start brushing the teeth as they come in with a soft toothbrush or gauze and the tiniest bit of baby toothpaste.  Wipe the babies' gums and tongue still.  I used to follow a bottle with a little water to rinse her mouth.  They think the bottle is still formula and will suck on the water bottle until they figure it out! LOL

  6. i have just been to the dentist with my 9mth old as she has 8 teeth. they told me to use just a brush an water or face washer, that they recommend tooth paste for babies at 18mths but that i could use it now. and to use 1 for children only.

  7. i asked mum and she said when i got teeth

    and my first dentist was when i was 6


  8. well i startedd with special fun tasting baby toothpaste basically as soon as i got teeth

    and i think when i was about 5,6 i went to the dentist

  9. As soon as they have teeth, with a baby toothpaste, it says not to use any more then the size of a pea, Iwould use alot less then that, a pea sized amount on a baby's toothbrush seems like a mountain of the stuff and definitely not needed.

    Not sure whether my daughter will have a dentist appt this year or next year (through school) as she is my eldest and is 5½yrs old. Thank goodness she loves to brush her teeth though lol.

    A good tip though also that alot of parents don't realise - the pop top drinks that are aimed at kids, are really bad for them besides the sugar content etc but also because of the sucking action through the top forces most of the sugar and extra's to deposit on the teeth at a faster rate and can cause decay.  

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