
When did you start your period? (Girls only please!)?

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I'm 14 and a half now and still nothing. I've been taking stuff round with me since I was about 11 and I'm starting to get concerned - when did you start? Should I be getting worried?




  1. you're fine!!!

    i got mine when i was 17. don't despair!!

    vegetarian may have smthng to do with it, are you too skinny maybe?? try taking calcium and iron tablets, you may not be getting enough. make sure u eat lots of veges, nuts, and if you can handle it, fish - or just take the fishoil tablet, but take the taste free one. might be too hard for 14 though, don't worry. i was really late, but it will happen. if you're really worried you could go to your doc, but you have a few years to wait yet.  

  2. 13.

  3. a girl can start her period anywhere between the ages of 7-17 so there is nothing to worry about. i am 12 and i got my period last year.

  4. i was 17 and a half

    it all depends on whats common in your family

    as ur mum and nan were both 14, i'd say wait till your 15

    then if your still a bit worried, go to the the doctor

    they can test your hormones and see that everything is ok

  5. i was in the 6th grade, so 11 or 12. All girls get it at different ages, i had a friend who didnt get it till she was 16 (lucky!) if youve been to a doctor and youre healthy then dont worry yourself. consider yourself lucky, cause believe me its not fun :)

  6. Dont worry yours will start soon!

    Minbe started about 7 months ago and im almost 15!

    Once it starts there no excitment it just an ordinary thing really =]

  7. I personally started when i was 10. But don't worry my best mate started when she was 16. It varies when our period starts can be genetically inherited. so talk to you mum about it. Your being wise carrying stuff around with you cause it is unexpected. And trust me you period cramps hurt.

    Nix x

  8. i started when I was 11. On average girls start when they are 14.but can be anywhere from 8-16. The only thing you really need to worry about is if by the time you are 16,you have fully developed(hips,b*****s etc) but have not started your period then you should see a gynecologist.

  9. I was 12.

    A couple of my friends didn't start until 16.

    Are you a little chubby? Sounds odd, but all of my chubby friends were late starters..

    If it doesn't happen by 16/17 - then see a doctor. But i'm sure you're fine. Count yourself lucky. They're horrible things.

  10. I started my period when I was 12 years old. Try not to worry so much. Every woman is different and your period will start soon enough. It's smart that you are prepared...just in case. I started my period in school and had to go home to change my clothes. My mom made me go right back so everyone knew what happened. I was so embarrassed.

  11. I was 11. A girl can start her period anywhere between the ages of 9-16 with the mean age being 12.5. It is perfectly normal that you haven't started, we are all different, and it will be here soon enough

  12. 12. =]


  13. i started when i was 12 but i know someone who started at 16,,theres nothing to worry about your body is obviousty not ready i think its better to start late because then you dont have to worry about it all ! You can start between the ages of  8-16 but if you start any later then you should go to a docter and they can deal with it ! x*x

  14. I was exactly like you - getting concerned about not starting even although all my friends had, etc. I started when I was almost 16, so don't worry because lots of people don't start until they are a bit older.

  15. Don't worry about it, i didn't start mine till i was 15.. your probably just a late developer, if you haven't started by the time your 16, go to the doctor, but i'm sure theres nothing wrong with you at all... you'll start when your body is ready :)


  16. i started at 13 and my younger sister started before me so dont worry you have plenty of time, girls start at different times and you should enjoy the time you have without it because it can be very annoying and its not a nice thing lol

  17. 14 and 10 months!

    dont worry, it comes when u least expect it :) my mam started when she was 12, so it must have come from genes from my dad or something.. dont worry.

    You dont want it either, ive had it just once and i wish i dont now, the cramps are awful, and pads and tampons are bothers.

    And about that person saying are you chubby. You could also be athletic, thats a reason why some people start a bit later.

  18. Everyone is different. I was 12. My eldest daughter was 16 and youngest 12. Have you tried talking to your mum,sister, aunts then you will better understand your family history and maybe find out they were a bit older when they started theirs.

  19. i was 13,my daughter was 13, my mam was 11 everyones different !! dont worry hun your time will come.....

  20. Seriosuly-you are my double. I am also 14 and (almost!) a half, and I STILL haven't started. Yeah, it's partially to do with your genes and my mum started when she was almost 15, so I'm not going to worry for a few months-I'm just a late starter. People also say it's to do with your diet, but I don't think its becuase you are a veggie, quite a few of my friends are and have been either for ages or since they were very young and theyhave all had their period ever since year 7 or 8.

    I am exactly the slimmest peson ever...not what you could call chubby either. Plus, a few other friendsare muc..I'll say "larger" shall I? And they have had their period for AGES!

    Ah well, lets enjoy out cramp-free lifestlyle while it lasts!

    lol  -Alex =) x

  21. I was 14 years old but I know someone who didn't start till they were 18, while another girl I knew at school came on at Junior school at the wee age of 10, it varies so don't worry.  

  22. Don't worry. You are normal. Your time will come when your body is ready.

    I was 16 before I had my first period.

  23. hun don't worry, some girls don't start until they're 16, sometimes even older...every girl is different...

    if you're really worried still then have a chat with your mom or a doctor, you can see a female doctor and don't worry, she helps girls with these concerns all the time so she's used to it...

    it really isn't worth worrying about yet though, and i don't think that the fact that you're a vegetarian has anything to do with it, provided that you eat healthily...

    hope this helps...

  24. 14 but you shouldnt be worried because a lot of people dont start that young.  If you are 18 and nothing so far, you should tell a doctor but i am sure you are fine!  Just enjoy not having to worry about it, you are lucky!  They say if you work out a lot it can postpone it and a lot of other factors can too.

  25. The normal range in which girls have their menses (first period) is between 10 to 16.5 years of age. Nowadays we are seeing that range widen due to many different factors. Don't worry! I started mine when I just turned 16.

  26. i was 11 when i had mine but my aunt was 16. i woudnt worry hunni.

    be quite glad 4 a while cuz when you get it...ull hate it.

  27. it doesnt make a differance of what you eat :)

    i started my period when i was 15 and a half and now at 16 and a half i have developed 30F b*****s lol that i thought i would never have any :)

    it just depends on when you body is ready, i waited for years to start . desperate to start...

    now i wish i hadnt bcause they are not pleasant.. the things us women have to cope with :)

    my mam and aunt didnt start til they were 17 and 18!

    dont worry, all in good time x

  28. I started when I was 9. I was very tall for my age and looked much older.. Don't worry it's normal to have not started yet, I know people that haven't started now and they're aged 16-18.

  29. i was 14 and 1/2 but seriously MAKE THE MOST OF THE TIME YOU HAVE WITHOUT IT be glad that you havent started yet

    also a veggie

  30. anytime a girl can start her period

  31. i was 12. and i've been a vegetarian for 14 years i don't think that changes anything.

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