
When did you take your baby off of formula?

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I'm wanting to start my son on whole milk. He'll be 10 months on the 23rd. When did you take your child off of formula and switch to cow's milk? He's a big boy and still waking up at night for a bottle. I think whole milk would fill him up more. He's 21lbs and 28 inches. What are your ideas/suggestions?




  1. i have been told by my plunket nurse that i should wait untill my son is atlest a year ond if not older as their tummy's can properlly digest the higher fat and protien in it. so i will be waiting untill he is over a year old. If you are still unsure i would recoment making and appointment with ur son's Dr so you can talk to him/her about it

  2. Both of my boys were moved to pediasure and cows milk at 9 months old.  The pediatrician decided it would be better because they wouldn't take more than 2 oz of formula no matter what kind we tried and the dr said they really needed the fat and calories so she said to do pediasure but that I could also do the cows milk but she did watch the iron level and recommended infant vitamin drops once a day.  It is best though if your son will take the formula that you just keep him on formula until 12 months then slowly switch over.  Cows milk is rough on a babies system.  

  3. You should keep them on formula for the first year. If he is that big  I would feed him cereal and a bottle before putting him to bed and I would try and comfort him if he wakes up at night he should be able to go all night with out a feeding he might just be in a routine at night. But if he wont sleep give him a bottle eventually he will sleep all night.

  4. It's best to wait until he's one years old, because the heavy protein still might be a bit much for his digestive system.

    I weaned my daughter to cow's milk one sippy cup at a time.  I replaced one feeding for a week and when that went well I moved onto the next feeding.

    Good luck!

  5. wait until 1 year for regular milk

  6. 12 months old...You are supposed to wait till your baby is a year old before giving them milk

  7. Whole milk will NOT fill your baby up more than formula. Formula is milk that has been processed so that it provides the basic nutrients that babies need. Your baby needs his formula until 12 months. Milk is one of the most allergenic foods out there. Do not rush to give your baby whole milk, just wait the two months. You can try switching him to a "next step" or toddler formula to see if that keeps him fuller. Lots of babies wake up for a night feeding at this age, though.

  8. Medical professionals suggest waiting until the baby is 12 months old because formula has all the types of nutrients that are easy to digest.  After 12 months, whole milk, or sometimes 2% is best. Toddlers need more fat in milk than older children, as every brain cell is coated in it.

  9. try giving him a heavier dinner. then a bottle before bed

  10. The formula is crucial for brain development up until a baby is 12 months old, KEEP him on formula.  I began my daughter on formula when she was12 1/2 months

  11. My 2 year old began to slowly get cows milk around 10 months, per the doctors advice. By the time he was 12 months, he only drank cows milk. We mixed his formula with the milk. One once per week. So the first week there were 7 ounces of formula and 1 ounce of cows milk. Then the next week more cows milk. This is what the doctor told us to do. We wanted to see if he could handle the milk, because he was using soy formula and he handled it just fine. My mother started giving me cows milk at age 6 months. My 4 younger brothers also started cows milk before 12 months.

    Ask your doctor before switching to make sure it is okay for your baby.  

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