
When did you tell you family and friend you were pregnent?

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How many weeks along were you? and do you think you told them at the right time?




  1. With my first, I told my husband at 5 months when I realized I wasn't just getting fat (The baby moved for the first time and freaked me out). I waited to tell my mother only because she was on a cruise, and I wanted to buy her these tiny birthstone rings with one stone from each grandchild plus one for the expected one. My husband called his family and told them the same night I told him. With my second pregnancy, we told them the day we found out. My sister and i were due the same day, but I miscarried at 11 weeks. The only thing I regretted was that my aunt had told some people I went to high school with. One of my old girlfriends came to my grandmothers funeral a month later and after rubbing my sisters belly, she turned and asked me when I thought I would start to show. I didn't know what to say, so I just told her I am not pregnant and walked away before I burst into tears! My sister explained and no one brought it up again. I got pregnant again very quickly afterward( my daughter and niece are 5 months apart), and i told everyone right away again. They were so thrilled for us, and I wouldn't trade their support for anything. Tell them when you are ready and not a moment before.  

  2. I was only 6 weeks when I told my family.  I would have waited but my husband was too excited to keep it from his family so I couldn't keep it from mine.  It seemed okay but there was still a chance that I could have miscarried at this point but all was well.  

  3. The first time I was pregnant I waited and told everyone at 12 weeks, which is supposed to be a safe time, well I lost the baby at 13 weeks.  The next time I was pregnant I told everyone right away.  When I lost the baby I needed the support of my loved ones so the second time I knew I wanted them to know as soon as I did.   I'm expecting a baby boy any day now.  I waited longer to tell my employer.

  4. I found out I was Pregnant for sure with a blood test when I was 7 weeks pregnant ... My mom and little sis took me to the lab so they found out right away ... I told my husband when I got home and we decided to tell everyone after 3 months but we couldn't ... that night we called everyone!! :)

    Let them know when you are ready and really sure you are ...

    I know some people say to wait till the second trimester because there is less of a chance for a miscarriage but i say who cares!

    Share the good news when you are ready!!  

  5. With my 1st we waited until the 1st ultrasound. I think about 10 weeks. This time we told everyone sooner. It just depends when you feel the moment is right. A lot of people wait until after the first trimester to tell people, but in my opinion it doesn't matter, because whatever is meant to happen will happen no matter what. Congrats!

  6. We told his mom right away, (living with us for now) so it was kinda obvious, I want to tell my family when I find out boy or girl.... but some say that's too late.. so who knows, whatever's better for you!

  7. i told my mom when i was 10 weeks.

    everyone else i waited until i was 12+ weeks.

    i'm glad i waited, because i'm only 18 and i didnt want people to try and talk me into an abortion, i knew i wasnt going to get one, so i didnt want to hear it.

  8. i told my parents and siblings at 8 weeks, and a few days later my partners parents. We told my partners son at 10 weeks (not best response) and have only told a few close friends.  My mum wanted to tell every one, i had to beg her not to, just in case something terrible happened... i not going to tell other work colleagues till i really have too.

  9. We told our families the day we found out and everyone at work/church a few days later.  I was only 4 weeks along.  And in some ways it was nice to have everyone excited for us and supportive, but in other ways very annoying at work.  It has been 3 weeks now since I told people at work and they talk about it all the time everyday and to be honest it can get kind of annoying.  But it is nice to have them understand my tiredness and moodiness ......

    If I had to do it over again I would have only told family and CLOSE friends at first and wait until I was about 3 months to tell everyone else.

    It is sooo hard to keep the news in, but just think you know something they don't!  That makes it kind of exciting!

  10. With my first, we told our parents right away, but the rest of the family at about 12 weeks.  WIth my second, we told everyone right away, and I miscarried.  With my third we told our parents right away, and everyone else about 8 weeks.  And with my fourth, as soon as I got a positive I was on the phone with anyone and everyone that would pick up their phone.

  11. we told my mom and my husband parents the day we confirmed it... we told everyone else like a week later.. we wanted to try and wait till i was 12 weeks but its such good news.. :-)

  12. i was about 7 weeks the first time and about 2 months or so the second time, but there really never is the "right" time you just have to tell them when you feel you are ready to don't worry about when they are ready its about you not them.

  13. my parents, right away. You want to wait at least 9 weeks to tell everyone. I made the mistake of telling everyone at 5 weeks..then miscarried and had to tell everyone I had lost it.

  14. I called my mom and told her after I couldn't get a hold of my husband the day I did the test.  I was 6 weeks.

  15. I actually didn't find out I was pregnant until 9 weeks along.  But I told my sister right away. My close friends found out at the same time too. I couldn't hold it in!  

  16. We told everyone who we would rely on for support if we did miscarry right away, like close friends and family.

    We waited to tell our wider circle at 12 weeks.

  17. Well with my first one I waited for a long time it seems because my family wasnt really around to see me. I waited unitl I was about 8 weeks, because that way it gives you the opportunity to reflect and figure out how to tell them.

  18. Told close family early like 6 weeks and friends and distant family around 12 weeks  

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