
When did your RE's let you move to IVF?

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Our story: TTC for 15 months. Me-37 (never been pregnant), him-35. His spermies have been tested and are just fine. I have problems ovulating, but with the help of an RE (clomid 4 cycles & clomid + gonal-f 1 cycle - using ovidrel each cycle), I've ovulated for the last 5 cycles. I've done an IUI for 2 cycles, but no pregnancy yet. We have spent $7500 so far on fertility between testing and treatments. This cycle we are using just gonal-f injections and the medication alone was $1200. For the previous cycles, the ultrasounds, IUI, and sperm washing totaled $1345 each cycle - and this one will cost more b/c more monitoring will be required when using injections. My husband would rather go straight to IVF because we've already spent a lot of money with no results. At the very least we'd like to go straight to IVF if this cycle doesn't work. We'll have to borrow the money, but at least our chances will be better.

What are your experiences with asking your doctors to go to IVF?




  1. I am 34 and DH is 36 - our diagnosis was unexplained infertility.  For whatever reason, our RE liked to do things in 3's before moving on . . . we did 3 Clomid IUI cycles and then 3 injectible (Gonal F and Ovidrel) IUI cycles.  One of them ended in a VERY short lived chemical pregnancy . . . nothing more.  After that we moved onto IVF . . . and finally had success.  I am 32w1d pregnant with twins.

    Part of the 3 thing could also have had to do with insurance coverage . . . we are fortunate to live in MA with insurance coverage . . . but there are very specific requirements and procedures to be followed.

    Definitely talk to your RE . . . you have been through a lot, you are paying out of your own pocket and it sounds like you  have given less invasive treatments like IUI a fair shot.

    Best wishes & baby dust!

  2. It sounds like IVF might be your best option. Just ask your doctor about it.

    As for me, we tried numerous IUI with injections before finally resorting to IVF. I didn't really ask my doctor, I just told him that I wanted to do it. He didn't seem surprised or concerned. He just put on the next available schedule for IVF.

    Good Luck!!

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