
When did your baby begin to laugh ? stories?

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okay last night, i was undressing my baby girl getting her ready for a bath. I always play around w/ her and smell her feet and say "pheww" LOL. well as i did so last night, she began to laugh. !! Shes made little sighs and shreiks before but never a LAUGH!! i mean this was a full belly laugh & she was doing it for like 3 minutes. IT WAS SO CUTE. but i was just wondering is this kinda early to be laughing?? my mother says its kinda early. have any of you had this happen w/ your baby being this young?? my baby will be 3 months august 18th :) thank you in advance !




  1. No, I thought the same but my baby will be 3 mths on august 18 and he started smilling when he turned two mths.

  2. I taught my daughter to blow rasberries herself.  I started her about 6 weeks and she was doing it by 3 months.  we called it "buzzing"  she still does it sometimes, mostly when she doesnt' want to eat something LOL and peek a boo has never lost is funnyness!!!  we can laugh for an hour with that one!!!

  3. My daughter 1st smiled at 6wks and then she 1st laughed at 9wks...She was sitting in her bouncer and i was sitting in front of her and kept bobbing closer to her and putting my arms out and saying 'are ya coming' She burst out laughing and i recorded it on my phone. Since that day shes not stopped she laughs at anything  

  4. my baby started around 3 month first in her sleep n then one day my sister in law tickled her n made funny faces at the same time n she burst out laughing it was so cute n the only way me or my husband can her so laugh is if we make funny faces n make weird sounds lol

  5. My son started smiling at 2 months and laughed out loud at 2 1/2 months old .. he started laughing when I blew raspberries on his tummy.

    He's 1 now and still laughs at the silliest stuff..

    Congrats on her first laugh! It's a wonderful feeling to see your baby laughing =]

  6. Lets see.  I think my niece was about 3-4 months.  I don't think she could really hold herself up yet.  But she laughed because I had a duck puppet and I was making it headbang to the "Wild Thing" song.  haha

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