
When did your baby do his first sleep over?

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My in-laws bought a crib and now constantly hint about keeping our son over for the night. They haven't flat out asked yet b/c they know I am still breastfeeding so I need to be with him in the morning. My son is just about a year, which at that time I will stop b/feeding and give him milk (I feel like they ask me everytime I see them if I'm still b/feeding him for that reason). When did you let your baby do a sleep over? I don't want to deprive my inlaws of their grandson.. but I don't know if I'm ready for him to do a sleep over. What do you think?




  1. 2 weeks, with my mom, and she slept through the night for her, but we were also in the same house, just in the basement. I think she was 2 months old when we first left her overnight with my mom. I pumped some milk for her.

    Why not pump for him?

  2. mine is one and still never been away from home all night

  3. My parents live on the same property as us, which allows for easy sleep overs. I believe our children both had spent their first night and Grandma and Poppy's when they were 2 months old. My parents love it, and so do the kids. Now that it is summer they have sleep overs more often and with their cousins too. My parents also don't mind having 6 or 7 kids staying at their houses between the ages of 9 and 1. But they don't always have all their grandchildren there.

  4. It depends on the kid, the mom, and where they're sleeping over night. I will tell you that with my first, I could barely stand having anybody even HOLD her! It's really normal for you to feel very protective-- and for them to want to spend time with him, and want to give you the gift of time with your husband.

    Instead of over-nighting, why don't you first try a few evenings out? BTW, I HAVE pumped in a hotel room, and while it isn't a lot of fun, it certainly can be done. I nearly smacked my hubby for making comments about getting up for the morning milking....

    Anyway, do what you're comfortable doing, but remember that they managed to raise X number of kids without a problem, and they can do this, too. Work up to it gradually. If you haven't used a breast pump, get one and start using it. It's great to have on hand when Baby is home alone with Dad and you're gone longer than you think you'll be. If he's used to taking a bottle with breast milk, he'll be easier for Dad, too.

    I nursed one of mine until she was two, and it was very sweet. The other one cut me off after several months, because she was too busy! Enjoy!

  5. Let them take him for a few days til a week when you are ready to wean then you won't have to deal with the fit and be all dry-ed up when he comes home.

  6. My in-laws are constantly asking us about this too! They started asking when he was pretty young. We would just say "Oh not until he's older" or  "He needs to breastfeed".

    Now that my son is 16 months they are still asking. I am still breastfeeding but thats not my excuse. I am just not comfortable leaving my son with any one other than my husband, not even my mom who is my best friend! I just don't feel like my son would understand. Its not that I don't trust my in-laws or my own parents. I know they'd take great care of him. Its just that I am not ready to leave him with out Mommy or Daddy. My son doesn't understand the concept of a sleep over. He'd probably be thinking "Where is my mommy? is she coming back?" (well thats what I think he'd be thinking).

    My other concern is that I don't think my in-law's would follow my advice or intructions. My son can't have wheat and I know my MIL doesn't "understand" food allergies, so I know she'd give it to him.

    So the last 2 times they asked we told them straight out that we aren't ready to leave him yet. I'm sure they are dissapointed but there will be plenty of time for sleep overs in the future.

    Once my son is old enough to understand what a sleep over is and wants to try it, we'll give it a shot. If I can ask him "Do you want to sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa?" and he says "Yes I do!" then I'll feel like he's ready. By then too, if he gets upset, I could at least talk to him on the phone and tell him he's ok.

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