
When did your baby first smile?

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And why do people always say "oh its just wind"

My son is 4 weeks and quite obviously smiles and gurgles when people talk to him - especially new faces (cos after 4 weeks mum and dad are a bit boring now!)




  1. i've got 4 kids an they all smiled at different ages, my youngest has only just started smiling recently an is 13wks old but my others started much earlier around 4-5 wks

  2. oh I hate that!  Like we don't know the difference between wind and a smile!   My son's first smile was at 16 weeks (he was a grumpy little guy) and my daughter's was around 4 weeks.

  3. 8 weeks.  I love it.  Nothing makes me happier than picking her up out of the crib in the morning and seeing her grin ear to ear when she sees my face : )

  4. It is simple to tell the difference between "just wind" and a smile. Wind looks more like a combination between a grimace and a smile. My 8wk old first smiled at about 4wks. He only did it a couple of times at first, but then at about 6wks he started smiling frequently. He started kinda laughing at 7wks. (By laugh I mean an coo/hum while smiling. Not the gurgly type of laugh an older baby has)

  5. My son smiled for real at about 5 weeks.  By 2 months the smiling was non-stop.  At 3 months he has a sort of laugh, more like a squeak-  I can't wait to hear that first real laugh!!

  6. my daughter was 8 weeks but i had bad pnd my son was 4 weeks i'm much happier this time though x

  7. i dont know what 'wind' is supposed to mean but my son smiles the same day he was born and has ever since. i know most people say most babies dont know how to smile that early or if they do its just by chance, but he really did smile when we would 'talk/play' with daughter didnt really till maybe around a month or so also.

  8. He could very wellk be smiling for real. My son was 5 weeks. I know it can be very annoying but try to ignore the wind comments.

  9. My little boy was smiling by this stage too. They say its just wind because when they have trapped gas it can show in their face and cause their mouths to turn as if they were smiling, usually this is only on one side though. You can always tell a proper smile because their face will light up and you'll see it in their eyes. My son will always smile for me first thing in the morning when i get him out of bed, it's so lovely, he's now 6 weeks and is always smiling and cooing, it's like he's trying to talk to me.

  10. mainly because it is wind its a couple of months before they smile intentionally

  11. The child smiles back (social smile) when any person  tries to speak to him or smiles to him without touching him at 2 months.(social development).So your child has excellent mental development now .Keep a watch of his gross motor ,fine motor ,mental and social delopment month by month by refering to the following site.

    Forward it to all your friends who has got small kids.It is quite a useful site.

  12. About 5 weeks.  Don't listen to those who say it's just gas, your baby could be smiling already.

  13. My daughter was 4 weeks old when she started to smile.

  14. My little boy was 5 weeks when we had our first smile, i'll never forget it. Every mum knows the difference between wind and a smile.

  15. my son started smiling at 5 weeks. trust me you will be able to tell the diference. i thought the same thing but now when he smiles he opens his mouth and trys to show the teeth he does not have and he just looks so happy  

  16. My baby smiled at me as soon as she was born, they cleaned her and they placed her on my tummy while they were stitching me down there and she was smiling at me and I took a photo with my camera. After she smiled at me she stuck her tongue at me. I still can't believe it and it's pretty cool. Ever since that, she has been smiling, laughing constantly.  

  17. They say the first REAL smile is from 4-8 weeks old, you can tell because they smile with their whole face! Mine did about 5 weeks old

  18. My daughter smiled and cooed and gurgled when she was 4 weeks old. It was deffinatly NOT wind. Why do people assume because it is before 6 weeks it is wind? Babies can start smiling any time! They seem to smile earlier if breastfed or were born late.  

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