
When did your baby sit without support for longer than a few moments at a time?

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Developmental milestone guidlines say about 6 months is average, but I would like to know what other mothers have expirienced.




  1. He started sitting up at 5 1/2 months, he's now 6 months and he can sit up for about 5 Mins at a time.

  2. Sarah will be 6 months in a couple of days. She is just now started to sit for a 1-2 minutes without support before she goes PLOP. I just keep working with her  I give her another week and she will do it.  

  3. My baby didn't start until about 6 1/2 months. Before that I hadn't even really tried for some reason and then I took her to get her picture taken and the lady asked if she could sit up and I said no and wouldn't you know it they put a toy in front of her and she sat up for like 10 min  

  4. My twins when they were about 7 1/2 months, my daughter about 5 1/2 months.

  5. 5months 3weeks ..hes been sitting like a big boy for 2 weeks now..he doesn't like to lay down..but itell he has to crawl

  6. 7 months and then it was for seconds and he would flop over

  7. 7 and a half months

  8. 5 months...he can sit for a few minutes at a time without falling over.

  9. Our son was 5 months when he could sit up well on his own, but we didn't stop worrying about him falling until around 7 months. He's 11 months now and my husband still freaks out when he lunges for a toy from the sitting position ;)

  10. 5 months

  11. 9 months - some of his contemporaries were walking before he could sit!

    He read years before them, though. It really, really doesn't matter.

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