
When did your baby start rolling over?

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what is the average age that they start to do this ? what can i do to help her progress she is 4 months old tuesday and i just want to know what games we should be playing what milestones have other babies been hitting by 4 months?




  1. well, my baby started rolling over at 2 months, sitting up at five months and crawling at 6 months. but please don't worry about it don't try to get her to grow up so fast, they eventually do all of these things but they'll never be your baby again!

  2. My youngest rolled from front to back at 3 months, and back to front at 4 months. I think that's really young though. Just give her lots of tummy time. She will do it when she's ready. We have a book, What to expect the 1st year. It tells all of the milestones. It's great.  

  3. All babies develop at different rates, don't expect at certain times that the baby should have reached this or doing that. Excite his environment to want to explore and let her do the developing.

  4. get that book called "what to expect the first year" it has all the milestones in it.

    not many games you can play with a baby this age. singing reading books, making sure she has a lot of tummy time.

    my son starting roling over at 4.5 months.

  5. My daughter turned 4 months on the 4th. She rolled over back to front on the 2nd of this month.

    Just do games like peek-a-boo, sing songs like old macdonald, and toys that flash. Anything at this age is educational cuz they probably haven't seen it.  

  6. my daughter started rolling around 4 months, sat  up at 6 months, and has started creeping at 7 1/2 months.  you are right on target. i just sit my baby on her tummy or back, and i would gently rock the baby from side to side while on their back, getting them used to the motion of rolling from back to tummy.  it did help, within acouple days she kicked her leg over herself!

  7. My son and daughter started rolling over at about 2 weeks old, my daughter is now 3 months and a couple days and she does roll over at times but not as much as when she was younger, she thinks its funny so she goes to roll and then starts laughing if we notice her and she rolls back on her tummy or back. Some babies just don't start rolling over til way later on and its fine, it all depends on the baby don't try to rush things, and dont go by what other peoples babies are doing because your baby is her own person and no baby is alike!

    Good luckk!!

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