
When did your baby start to sit up?

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mines 4 months... and still hasnt gotten it, which i was told is totally normal- and my friend has a baby who is 3 months and sitting up on her own... is that just really soon, and around what time frame do babies start to sit up? i know they all do it on their own time, and im not pushing it.. but im just curious!




  1. Have you actually seen your friends baby sit up on her own, with no support? I've never heard of a baby sitting up that early without any support. My daughter didn't sit up on her own until she was 5 1/2 months old and my son was 5 months old.

  2. They start to sit up from 6mnths. My daughter 7mnths 1 wk....Id say 12wks is far too early!

  3. My daughter could sit supported at two months. She's 5-1/2 months and sat up by herself for the first time yesterday. As with all her milestones, however, I have a feeling it'll be a while before we see that trick again. She rolled over for the first time at the beginning of June, and I didn't see her do it again for weeks afterwards.

  4. My daughter sat at 5 1/2 months

    My son sat at 5 months.

    Average for learning to sit is 4-7 months  :)

  5. my son just started sitting up and he's just about 5 months...he has been trying for like a month...he would put his hands out in front of him and try to hold himself was cute!!!  

  6. my baby doesn't do sit ups.. he's pretty lazy.. yet once ina while he'll lift some weights and jog at the track.....

  7. 4 months is about the earliest average you will find, and 7 months is about the latest average you will find.  

    My daughter was "telling" me that she wanted to sit up by trying to pull herself to sitting position when I laid her down on her back - so what I would do is I would sit her down, and just hold the front of her shirt, so she could practice balancing, but not have the fear of falling.  Mostly just pay attention to your babies cues, your baby will tell you when he/she is ready.

  8. My son was Rolling Over at 5 Months and Crawling at 5.5 Months. He sat unsupported at 8 Months!!! What a Late Bloomer I thought. All babies are different but I would say 6 Months is your average unsupported.

    You can buy a Bumbo Chair at Walmart to help sit them up.  

  9. Emma was five, almost six months

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