My two year old son doesn't really talk. All of his doctors agree that he is behind, but no one can seem to find the cause. We have been to see a neurologist, speech therapists, an ear nose and throat doctor, and three different pediatricians. They all seem confused by his behavior, which vocally is that of an autistic child, but he has no other signs or symptoms. I am just curious as to when all of your babies starting talking, and how long it took for them to be able to successfully communicate. (more then just the words 'mine' 'baby' 'bye-bye' and 'bubba')
My son will repeat sounds if you really keep after him, and sometimes will point to things out of the clear blue and mumble the names, but usually he whines and points to get what he wants. Any suggestions or help would also be appreciated. I am very frustrated, not only with his delays, but also with the doctors who just kinda shrug their shoulders and scratch their heads. I am terrified that my 11 month old is going to outpace his big brother in a couple of months, and I don't want my older son to feel stupid or like he isn't as smart. He is already in daycare, (mostly for the interaction, we thought it might him develop speech) and i am afraid that as he gets older my really very bright child will be deemed stupid.