
When did your braces start to hurt?

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I got braces today! I'm very excited and I was also expecting some pain. It's been already almost 7 hours since I got them on and the wire tightened, and I still don't feel any major pain. How long did it take for you to feel the pain when you got yours? Just curious...




  1. I felt pain when the orthodontist put the braces on my teeth and every time i go to get it tightened

    Dont worry you will get used to the pain

  2. I only felt pain for the first couple of hours and even then, it wasn't pain it was just soreness. My teeth really weren't that bad at all and never got them tightened after that because i didn't need to. Plus different people can tolerate a different amount of pain.

  3. i started to feel pain the next day. i suggest you take some pills tomorrow morning just in case.

  4. i just got my braces on today also and it only took me an hour later for it so start hurting

    it feels like pressure is on my teeth and when i bite they throb

    yea if u dnt feel the pain then I WANNA BE YOU..... lol

  5. I never felt pain with mine.. a little soreness when they have to adjust them and then pain when they take them off..

    but other than that its all good.. unless you have to wear the rubber bands.. those hurt your jaw a bit.

  6. The first time i had braces they hurt the next day the second time it took a week but the pain dosnt last long at all and its not extreme.

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