
When did your child give up the soother?

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also when did you start using it at bedtime only

My 2 year old(just turned 2) wont give it up. If it wasent for the younger sister i would just throw them out and deal with it but i feel guilty telling her she cant have one but the baby can




  1. We gave it up after she turned one. She is in day care so it helped that the other toddlers didnt use them either.

    It's a weaning process. If she drops it lets say while she is playing, then sneak it away from her and don't bring it up or offer it back to her. She will spend more and more time without it until she finally doesnt even ask for it. During the day and at night only use it to help her fall asleep.

    Don't feel guilty about your choices as a parent. You always have your child's best interest at heart so do what is best for them.

  2. we've tried to take our 19 month olds away fro a few months, we wanted it gone before the second baby comes, 5 weeks or les so i doubt it'll happen. she has so many hidden in different places around the house we can never get them all.

  3. My son only used his when he would go to bed or nap. In my head I was sure we would get rid of it by age 2, but then age 3 came along and he still wouldn't give it up. We tried several things, but he just got so upset. Finally, just after his 3rd birthday he had his first dentist visit and our dentist told him it was hurting his teeth (and it actually was starting to push out his front teeth a bit), and that very night our son told me he didn't want it any more. I guess he just needed the 'teeth doctor' to tell him it wasn't OK, because mommy and daddy had tried everything!

  4. This one's easy it was 24th December 2007. gave up all together. She had been having them at night-time only for 6 months from when she turned 3 in June.

    We put all the dummy's in a special bag and hung them on the christmas tree and we told her that Santa would leave her a special present but he will take her dummy's away to give to another little girl who really needs them ( i thought it was going to be night mare)

    Came 25th Dec 2007 Night time she asked for it a couple of times so i stayed with her till she went to sleep. She got a sticker for been such a good girl.

    26th Dec no problems at all read a story went straight to sleep. another sticker

    She has never asked for it since but did give her stickers everynight for about 1 month as she was a good girl for not asking for her dummy.

    Explain to your daughter that only baby's have dummys  but i would not let her have it during the day and tell her there just for bed ( i did with mine) and hide them till bedtime taking it off her first thing in the morning. She'll soon learn not to depend on it.

    Or maybe leave it till she's 3 and then try it. good luck and just remember YOU ARE IN CONTROL. LOL x*x

  5. Jesus loved me. Of my 3 children only 1 of them would ever even take a paci.  My oldest son liked the Gerber ones that were like hollow on the inside and were like a nipple and he had one for several months where it was formed with the shape of his mouth and when he turned 6 months we bought him a new one because that one was worn out and he would never take another one after that.  Try telling your 2 year old that the one they have is it and when it wears out let that be it.  2 is not a horrible age to still be on a paci.  I have know kids that didn't get off until they were 4.  Personally I think at age 2 is when you need to start weening, but I never went through having to tell them no so its hard to relate.  Good luck..

  6. I took my sons when he truned 1. If you dont do anything else, you have to be consistent! if you give in, she will only cry more and for longer because she knows that you will give in...

  7. I would say tell the 2 yr.old that he or she is a big kid now and doesn't it need it anymore, but saying that to a 2 yr.old is hard. Both my kids started to ONLY use it at night time at about a year old and then when they were 18 months old ( the latest) I just threw it away. I had a few pacifiers for them and as we slowly started losing them like at people's houses and in the car or whatever, that was it. I never bought another one to replace it. Also what worked for a friend of mine was when her son turned 2 yrs.old, she had her boyfriend dress up as Elmo ( he loves Elmo) and Elmo had a basket and told the son that he's a big boy now and asked if Elmo can have his pacifier so another baby can have it. He put it in elmo's basket and that was it! Hope something works out for ya!

  8. My 4 year old finally gave up the binkie in May (actually a month before her 4th b-day).  We cut it down to naps and bed around christmas last year.  I personally would have preferred to end it sooner, as it seemed it was more of a habit than a need.  A friend of mine told her youngest that the binkie fairy called to say they were coming tonight to pick up the binkies.  He was so excited he left them under his pillow and the fairy left a small gift for him.  He hasn't asked for it since.

  9. My oldest gave up when she was 2,5 but my youngest just turned 4 and she is still addicted (not only in bed). Although she goes to daycare, where she doesn't have it of course, all other moments of the day she would have it if I let her. The only risk if you try, one way or another, to get rid of it is that she might start sucking her finger instead, which I think is worse. Good luck to both of us...

  10. It's OK to take her's and not the babies.  We stopped using the paci with all 3 of our boys by the age of 3.  First we took it away except while sleeping at 12 months.  My First son gave up the paci totally a little before his 2nd B-day when we explained to him the paci fairy was coming to collect paci's because she needed more to give to the babies that were being born.  My 2nd son we had to take his away when he was almost 3 because he began biting through them in his sleep, we were afraid he would choke.  We used the same story with him.  Dr's say as long as you use an orthopedic one and take it away by the age of three it will not damage the teeth.

  11. my daughter is now 4 1/2 years old, she loved her pacifier, when she turned 2 I only let her use it at bed time and explained she was a big girl now it was hard at first but they get used to it. And when she turned 4 a few months after we told her that the new little baby's needed it so we tied it to a balloon and let it go into the clouds for the new little baby's god was sending down and she was ok with that, again it was hard at first for her to fall asleep with out it so we read story's to her instead of one book a night we did 3 books and still do and she is just fine once you make it threw the first week your all set. Good luck it is hard because it comforts them they just need to find a different way to be comforted

  12. she needs to understand that they are for babies and she is not one anymore. you cannot go and feel guilt about a 2 year old compared to a baby. it does not work like that and you have to put your foot down. take it away. after a couple of nights it will be okay and no more fits... but you have to be consitent and not give in.

  13. we started bedtime only at 6 months.  he gave it up at 18 months because he was sick with a sore throat and it hurt to suck!  :)  something good came out of that.

    good luck

    ps  he gave his up while the baby had his own.  we didn't have any trouble.  we just said it was for babies and he's a big boy.  he bought it!

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