
When did your child learn to count to 10?

by Guest63926  |  earlier

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I am just wondering if my child is late to learn this




  1. When my niece was about 2 1/2 she learned her numbers... just not in order... lol!

    She learned how to count to ten by the time she was 3 1/2 years older. Just teach your child now. It's not that hard!

  2. 15 months

    but he went from 2 to 10.

    obviously 1 was the cue for him somehow

    he said his first sentence at the same age

    he could name every car on the road by its badge at 2 1/2

    but wasn't potty trained until 3 1/2

    and didn't walk until 15 months

    they all learn different things in different orders. they will all catch up on everything during school!

  3. They were all around 24 months old. My youngest is 2 and 1 month and can, however he often leaves out a number along the way, lol.

  4. 19 months

  5. My daughter was about 20 months

  6. i've known kids learn this as young as 18 months.  average age is 3 years old. they really should know up to 20 by 4 years old.

  7. 2 1/2 she counted to ten and did colors sesame street is great!

  8. About 18 months.  Sesame Street gets the credit!!

  9. my daughter was 18 months old when she learnt to count to 10.

  10. My daughter was 21 mons. and counted in both languages.  My son (also bilingual), however, will be 2 next mon.  and still needs some help.

  11. Every childs different My oldest son was about 13 months and knew part of his ABCs and could repeat #s in Spanish up to 15. My 2nd son was 16 mos and does the same as the oldest. My girl can repeat them at 19 mos but can't say them by herself yet. Shes learning a little Spanish also. They watch Dora and Diego every morning along with Dragon Tales. Theres another program that comes on PBS at 11 am in the morning called word world that helps with their vocabulary Its a lot like Sesame Street. Good luck. I got my 4 year old 2 Phonics Games for 4-6 at Big Lots for Handwriting and Spanish. They have 3 levels included. The Handwriting was like 10 bucks and the Spanish 20 bucks. I also buy them the Preschool workbooks at Big Lots, Dollar Tree/General, or Family Dollar. Hope this helped

  12. My boys were about 2- 2 1/2 years old when they started counting to 10.  The more they practice the faster they learn.

  13. My daughter can't do it yet.  She's 18 months and knows all the letters of the alphabet by sight.  She can tell you the numbers 1 through 9 by sight, but she can't count to 10. She gets to about 6 and starts getting confused from there.

  14. About 16-17 months I think.  We're learning up to 20 at the moment but it's a bit of a struggle.  On the upside, she did invent a new number the other day - eleventeen.

  15. My kids all learned up to 10 before 2, and learned up to 20 by three.  

    If you are concerned, try using counting exercises with your kids.  With mine I always used when they cleaned up there toys I would say "you pick up 3 cars and Ill help you with the rest"  or "you can have 4 chicken nuggets" at dinner or "see if you can find 5 ducks".  As they master smaller numbers work up to..."pick 10 crayons for your picture"  Count with them as they do these exercises, it confirms the pattern.  Mine really loved that directional too.  

    For the ABCs...I would sing the ABCs as a lullaby when they were babies (I know...), and because it was so familiar they all knew it by like 18mos.  =)

    Repetition is important for young children.

  16. Everyone who has answered so far is right! That is to say, that there is unfortunately no correct answer for this. My boy counted to 10 at 16 mths old, however, he was obsessed with numbers at that age and was talking much earlier than is usual. Also, he counted to 10 before he spoke barely any other words. We have lots of stairs and I just had a habit of counting them every time we went up so it might have been this rather than intelligence! Many other parents of 'early counters' may find this too if they look at how much time they spent counting with their children. My son's friend, a child of the same age, is just counting to ten now at 2 and a half, but is perfectly normal and on track for her age. Kids just do things when they want to - it's not necessarily about 'intelligence', but about what they feel like doing. My boy who talked and counted early took until almost 18 months to walk, so that shows that perhaps he was just concentrating on what he felt was important, not on what we were worried about! His friend of the same age I mentioned earlier is much better at all motor skills like dancing and following physical instructions, as well as feeding herself and behaving in general!  

    I would say that if your child is 3 or older and cannot count to 10, and they do not seem to be listening or trying, then you should ask someone about it. Otherwise, please do not worry. I'm sure if you look a bit closer at what your child is capable of, then you might be surprised at what they are better at (even if it's not talking, but something else) than other children their own age! Hope you find the answers to make you feel better!

  17. My daughter was about 16 months when she learnt how to count up to 12.  We used a clock.  We used to count a lot, pushes on the swing, sultanas, counting songs, a game of hide and seek etc.  I never pressured her, she was just really interested and usually instigated counting on her own.  I know some kids don't count til 3 years of age, every child is different.  

  18. I think a lot of your answerers have kids developing on the early side.  My oldest was 3  years, my middle son was 2.5 years.  Both attended preschool during this time.  I would think that late to learn this would be 3.5 years and average is around 2-2.5 this is only a guess

    My oldest who just finished kindergarten, they expect to count to 20 with a 1:1 correspondance

  19. My son was about 3 3/4  to almost four years old. (He barely talked before he was 3 1/2) My younger son is two and can pretend to count to ten. (1,2,3, B, 7, ...etc) which is a big sign of readiness for preschool.

    It is not going to be considered late until kindergarten. He or she should know it by then. But, do not be worried if your child can not. Every child learns at a different pace and in kindergarten, that is when everyone starts to catch up with their peers.

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