
When did your child start walking?

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When did your child start really fully walking? Not when they took their first steps, but when they were really walking all over the place.




  1. My son was 11 months old when he started really walking well all over the house.

  2. My first was almost 14 months - never crawled...did this spinning thing on his behind.  One day I put him down out of his high chair and he walked away!  

    Second one - 10 months.  

  3. One was walking at about 11 months and I think the second started at about 10 months, but she had her older sister to emulate. :)

  4. My oldest didn't start walking till 15 months, and honestly i thought he was developmentally delayed. Its great to hear that other peoples babies took that long to walk too.  Everyone's kids i know were walking around 10-11 mos, and the same is true of my youngest.  He took his first steps around 10 mos, and today is his 11 month birthday, and now he is wobbling around the house chasing his big brother as i type... (big bro is 2 now).  so i guess it all depends on when they are ready...

  5. The week my son turned 1 he was walking all over the house and stopped crawling.. (he was taking steps in his 11th month)

  6. At 13 months.  He spent a week or so bumbling around with 4 steps at a time.  By the next week he had taken off and only rarely crawled

  7. He started walking on 23.05.2007. He was 1 yr and 1 month. He had taken a few steps before then and did the whole falling over thing, and then one day he literally just stood up and managed to walk the entire length of the front room without stumbling or falling. It was like something clicked for him, and he got better from there.

  8. My daughter was 14 months before she was really walking, not falling etc.  

  9. My son took his first steps at nine months it was more of a run to my sister. There was no turning back form there. By his first birthday he was all over the place.

  10. my oldest was 15 months, my youngest was 11 months

  11. 15 months

  12. my daughter started walking at 10 and a half months.

    she never crawled,

    just bottom shuffled

    one day she got up and walked 7 steps.


  13. Mine took her first steps the week after her first birthday.  Each day she took more and more steps and in a week's time she was walking well.

    Haven't had a moment's rest since.

  14. My daughter is 18 months and isn't fully walking yet. She takes a few steps here and there, but not as a means of getting around. She is fine, just a bit cautious. Her paed assured me that it's completely normal and some healthy children don't walk until they are nearly 2.

    A guy I went to uni with didn't walk until he was 2 and he was training to be a sport teacher!  

  15. My first child was walking around furniture at 8 months and walking on her own at 9 months. I've heard of kids walking as early as 7 months and as late as 14 months. Don't sweat it though as anywhere in this range is totally normal.

    I wasn't ready for my daughter to be mobile soooo fast. Now baby #2 is 5 months and already nearing the crawling stage. It's so sad I wanted my babies to be babies for a bit longer. :(

  16. well my baby Shwan Macmillian didnt start walking until she was just one! and then she didnt walk well until 1 and a few months.  

  17. unaided at 10mos

    Nichola x*x

  18. My oldest son was actually walking at about 13 months while my second son was closer to 15 months. Now that is real walking as you asked not just taking their first steps.

  19. my daughter wasa 11months but my son was 16 months

  20. My Baby Did Not Start really walking And Walking Well Tell 1 week After Her First Birthday.Before That she would Take A few steps here and There occasionally But Not Actually walking Tell right after She Turned 1 Year Old.

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