
When did your child start walking??

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When did your child start walking??




  1. 22 months and still not walking. So if you are worried that your child is a little late, take heart! You should however get him/her checked out at 18 months if not walking, just to make sure that there is no specific problem. Generally, these things are genetic. I was a slow walker, and so was my husband. Makes no difference to other areas of development.

  2. All three were about 10 months old  

  3. Just this month! he is almost 14months....Its so cute watching him wobble around..

  4. 10 months

  5. 10 months.  At his first birthday party he was running around grabbing his presents!

  6. Right at one year.

  7. 9 months one week.  She went straight to walking.  Crawled at 18 months for the first time.

  8. My son didnt start walking untill he was 18 months.

  9. 1st child between 10-11 mos and the 2nd right at 1 year

  10. My first was 14 1/2 months, my second was 12 1/2 months.

  11. Standing up and moving around the furniture 9 months. Walking at 10 months

  12. BEST OF LUCK If You Have ANY Questions Email Me At THANKS!!

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