
When did your doctor check for dilation?

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I'm 38 weeks and my doctor will not check my cervix until 39 weeks. This is my first child. Is this normal practice to wait this long? I've heard of other women who say their doctor checked them as early as 35/36 weeks??




  1. my NP checked me at 37 weeks.  When I went for 38th wk check up, they almost didnt check me but i mention to the nurse that I was 2 cm dilated so that is why I was checked again.  I'm still the same just a little bit more effaced.

  2. My doctor started checking me at 35 weeks. I wouldn't about it too much since you'll start getting checked within a week anyways. Every time

    I get checked and nothing has happened since the last week I just get more impatient and frustrated.  

  3. As a nurse, I have worked in an OB clinic where one Dr started checking at 36 weeks, whereas another wouldn't until 39, so it is normal. Both practices are normal & okay.


  4. I think i was 38/ 39 weeks but not sure, i ended up being 2 weeks overdue anyway lol, don't stress about it, i was disappointed every time they checked anyway as i was only about 1 to 2 cm each time they checked. it doesn't make much difference unless you've gone into labor so don't worry!

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