
When died the human in you?

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Many times I have come across the news that american forces by mistake droped the bomb on children hospital in iraq, wedding ceremony in afghanistan and other civilian areas killing 100s of innocent people. How massive your mistakes can be? Is it justify to attack even sick, women and children? Or only americans can have a secure life.

These brutal acts (well planned surely not mistakes) will give rise to millions of Osama bin laden, Americans mourn one attack what about daily attacks on civilians. American government itself has put people of America in great danger. How do majority feel about that?




  1. The American military is trying to goad the people of the middle east into hating us, That way they can justify keeping the 'war' going on forever.

  2. So it is not that the terrorist deliberately hide amongst them or use them as shields then - what planet are you on?!!!

    If the terrorists an al qeada did not attack then the bombs and counter attacks would not be necessary.

    And in case you missed it al qeada and their terrorist kill thousands of times more women and children and innocents than America ever has and they have deliberately set Sunni and Shiite against each other and provided weapons and explosives to them to kill each other!!!

  3. in war dodo happens. why don't you post your address so we can drop a bomb on your location - by mistake of course. or better yet, crawl back in that cave with your buddy bin laden

    so we can take care of both of you idiots without wasting a perfecly good bomb, two for the price of one. have a good day, tomorrow you may not wake up on the green side of the grass.

  4. Oh're gonna get some really passionate answers to this one!  I feel we are very wrong for doing to others exactly what we don't want done to us.  It's just like our death penalty - it's okay for the government to kill as a punishment for someone else killing.  If teaching by example really works (which I believe it does), then our government has it all backwards.  We say it's wrong for terrorists to attack our country, yet it's fine for us to attack whichever country we choose.  Our government would like to force our way of life on other societies, whether they want it or not.  I personally am not proud of what we do, and I hope to move to another country someday.

  5. Americans are very much like the general male mentality globally. We think with our own best interest and forget how our actions will effect others. Why would we care if another countrie's people are hurt? We're "liberating" them and see the result we hope for as justification to invade, control, seize assets, and change your culture and way of life, and in the process, kill a great deal of people by accident and purposefully.

    If America were to be under the same attack, we would drag out the nukes and eliminate the majority of human life out of rage that our own freedoms were compromised. We're just that much of a******s as a nation... however individually, we have our varieties of concerns over damaging other countries, and fears over what other countries could do to us.

    The preferred approach to global peace would be to eliminate the ability to interfere with another nation. This would mean we would have to stay out of eachother's business, and be in global agreeance that if any nation should attack another, they will be given ample time to evacuate their land before it is sold at auction to another nation which can do with it as it chooses.

    In all honesty, America does not deserve to be one nation, as we are so divided by our politics and morality. The best solution at this point would be that we divide into smaller countries such as each empire throughout europe and the USSR did.

    It will happen in the future anyway, but it may take years.

  6. If the Islamist radicals don't want war in Afghanistan and all its attendant tragedies then they can lay down their arms.

    That is all it will take for the madness to stop.

  7. This could go on for days.

    For all the fact that the USA is arguably the biggest democracy in the world we just dont have any more control over our rulers then other nations like France and the netherlands (sp?).

    Early On I emailed Bush and told him I wanted us out of Iraq.. he ignored my email.

    If it makes you feel any better... a lot of Americans feel very sorry for those innocents hurt or killed in the war.... and dam sure a lot more then those cowards who routinely use them as human shields.

    The Human in me is fine and doing well.

  8. How many times have your read about these mistakes?

    When terrorists use woman and children, hospitals, schools and mosques to hide behind, innocent people are bound to get hurt.  Women and children are also being used to carry suicide bombs which means they are far from innocent.

  9. 76 years ago, but he is very much alive again today.

  10. Yeah keep spewing the propaganda no one cares.

  11. there are way too many humans on this planet. Some will either die through war or we will all die through peace. This planet cannot support all the humans on it. I care about the poor animals who are being driven to extinction. If humans die who cares! Good riddance.

  12. Yes, you are correct.  But Americans are reluctant to absolve their sins.

  13. Help maybe understand this. Sucks war, is fact. Islam misteat own people. Suffer woman much, treat worst than dogs. Bin Laden crazy meglamaniac, true coward in caves hidng, use lies against Mohamed (peace may he be) Moderate Islam must take control of radical Islamist to have peace be.

  14. Ummmm, what about the brutal attacks carried out by so called holy Islamic fundamtalists (ie.: terroists)  all over the globe.  

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