
When dirt and really tiny objects go into your eyes where does that stuff end up after a while?

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Weird question (I know) But I always wanted to know...




  1. They do get wiped out of your eyes, however, I have never heard of dirt flowing into the tear ducts and somehow magically ending up in your nose.  Tears come out of the tear-ducts, not go in them.  (It doesn't happen often, but when something does get into a tear duct it will generally result in inflamation.)

    Bits of irritants in the eye is also what makes the so-called "sand" in your eyes usually noticed when you wake up and got something in your eye the day/night before...  Those little lumps are the particles, but coated so they no longer irritate the eye.

    It's where the story of the "sandman" comes from, and the same way pearls are formed in oysters and other mollusks.

    Specs of dirt or sand are coated so they don't irritate the creature, and since the oyster can't pick it out of there, it just stays there and keeps getting bigger, with more and more layers until it becomes a pearl.

  2. Your eyes are always wet and when you blink the dirt is washed to the corners of your eyes. You eventually wipe it away

  3. Well, they get carried over to the duct near your nose.

    If they're small enough, they then pass with your tears into your nose, where they become boogers and eventually fall out onto the ground, when they dry up.

    If they're too large, then they just fall out when you blink or rub that area of your eye.

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