
When do 3 year olds move into the pre school room at nursery?

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a question nursery nurses, when do your 3 year olds move into the pre school room. at the moment at our nursery the children stay in the 2-3s room and follow the birth to three framework until they get nursery grant funding then they move into the pre-school room but i think they are supposed to move into pre-school when they turn 3 what do you do at your setting?




  1. Well actually wait until 4 yrs old

  2. In the nursery where I work the children move from the 2/3 room to the 3/5 room round about their 3rd birthday, this can be dependant on the child's development, spaces becoming available etc. there are no hard and fast rules as some children may be ready to move earlier than others.

  3. our nursery has a 6month to 1year room, then a 1year to 3, also a play group room for 2years to when they go to school, when a child turns 3 they get to fill in a form for funding, which they can use with us if a school place isnt ready, this is a manchester city council nursery.

  4. It depends on where you are at, and what your center's policies are.  I work in Southern California, and we serve 60% of children with disabilities in our center.  Our children with an IEP (special education plan) move up to the preschool side when they reach their third birthday, but our "typically developing" childcare children move up when they reach 3 1/2.  It depends on our current enrollment, how many children we have that need to move up (because at our center we have two 2-3 year old classes), and whether or not there is enough room in the older classes for the children to move up to.

  5. it depends on the nursery our nursery moves children through at 2 years 9 months but if the child is not ready for a room change and would not benifit from a change we wait untill the child is 3

    hope this helps

  6. I'm sure that different centres have different policies. I work at two different centres; at one, the kids move from the early years room into preschool once they are potty-trained and if there is space for them. At the other centre, which is where I work most of the time, pre-school includes ages 2-6, but sometimes the 2-year-olds have to stay in the infant room for longer because we don't have space in preschool.

  7. when they are about 4 yrs old

  8. It depends on the nursey.  My son moved up at 3 years but I know that the pre-shcool room is currently full at his nursery so any child who turns 3 between now and September will be held in the previous room until there is space when the big kids go to school.

  9. where i work we have a from birth to 18mth room,then a 18mth to 2 1/2 yr old room then 2 1/2 to 3 and a half

    then 3 and a half till they start school.(this is the pre-school room)

    we don't move up only on age though it really depends on the individual child some go up earlier others go up after they have reached the age it just depends on the stage they are at.

    i hope this helps sorry was in a rush when i had to write it

  10. That's right. Three year old only move up when they are eligible for funding.  Birth to three covers a child whilst they are still three and as long as the child is reaching its potential there should be no cause for concern.  a child who is three in January will be more advanced than a child who is three in november, therefore the january born child will be ready for pre school whilst the november child will be comfortale where he is.

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