
When do I UPGRADE my graphics card??

by  |  earlier

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ok GFX cards do get old and new better games come out for support with the newer GFX cards and could play the newer games.

When should I upgrade my GFX card to not keep it outdated and old? not update.




  1. I don't know mate, sorry

  2. Well a top of the range card now should be able to play brand new games for maybe next two years.

    as a rule of thumb i generally upgrade my card when a new gmae comes out that needs a better graphics card than what i have, however by then most of the time its been awhile so ill jsut completly replace the PC.

    Im currently ona 8800GTS, but over next year i may get it in SLi, or wait a bit and get the '10800gts'(whatever they decide to call it) when it comes out, mainly cos itll probs be DX11, so a major upgrade over getting a 9800GTS which is still DX10.

    If you want ot be on cutting edge all the time then get the latest fastest card when it comes out, but youd need a spare bit of cash to do that.

    a good cheap way to keep your card longevity is to get another card the same as your currnet card and run it in SLi/Croosfire mode to get double the power, as your card will be pretty cheap by the time it starts getting outdated.

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