
When do I get colors for my braces?

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I got the top part of my braces today...

I get the bottom part next month, the 11th.

Do I get colors next visit to the orthodontist or the visit after that?




  1. I've never had braces myself but so many of my friends have and the majority of them got colours on their first visit.

    I think your best bet would be just to ask you orthodontist.

    Hope I helped :)

  2. I got the colors the minute I put on my braces.

  3. I had braces for three years... I hated it but I definitely got colors put on the first visit. They should have cemented those little roundish thingies on your teeth and then strung the wire through it. Then they put the little tiny rubber band things that go around all the round things on your teeth which holds the wire in place. Did they at least put the plain grey ones on? They should have. Ask at your next visit if they will let you have colors.

  4. Well, you will probably get colors on the top, at your next visit. And on the bottom the next visit.

    I got my colors on my second visit. It really depends on your ortho, and how they do things.

    The reason my ortho does this is cause they need to see how your teeth move, to determine if you need power chains, or individual colors.

    Good luck with your treatment

  5. when i first got my on i got to pick the colors that day

  6. Did you talk to your orthodontist that you want color on your first visit? You should be able to choose before they put it on you.  

  7. you should have had them put on already

    talk to your ortho

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