
When do I move my mollie from the tank to have her baby's?

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When do I move my mollie from the tank to have her baby's?




  1. It is best not t move the female molly to soon to delivery or she will prematurely deliver the babies and this might be too soon for the babies to survive. It is best to set up a separate tank or put a separator in the tank so that the pregnant molly can be by herself to deliver. Put in plenty of true aquatic fine leaved plants for the babies to hide in and provide some first food and yo will be set to go. I would also use a sponge filter in the tank with the babies so that they do not get sucked into the filter.

  2. You don't have to move her out of your tank go to your local pet shop. And ask for a separater I just had a brain freeze it is put inside your tank and you can safely put the momma to be in the same tank without worrying about the other fishes eating her off springs. Also, you keep her in the same water and tempreture as she was used to.

  3. Her gravid spot will get very big and she will look as if she is abt too  In my experience, when they are about to deliver, it looks like they are having trouble swimming i.e they look as if they wobble when they swim.. Also if she isolates her self from the other and/or hides in the plants or is hanging around the heater then that is another sign. Lastley you can jus calculate that in one month she will deliver for this is the amount of time they are pregnant

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