
When do I use parenthetical citations?

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I'm writing a large research paper (4000 words) and I'm confused as to where exactly I need to put parenthetical citations. My paper doesn't have very many direct quotes but it has a lot of factual information (costs of things taken from sources). So far, I have entire paragraphs with parenthetical by them. The paper is rigorously checked for plagiarism so it's important everything that needs to be cited be cited.




  1. You use that anytime you directly quote a source or use information word for word from a source.  

  2. Any time you use information that you had to research. It's fine to use parenthetical citations after paragraphs. Think of it like this: Use them after u type in researched info and before you type in your own conclusions about your research. I have done the exact thing you are doing when I was in IB English. Just use your MLA formatting for your citations (made quickly at and you should be fine.

    Good Luck

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