
When do I work out? When do I rest?

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I started going to the gym this week saturday, last night and tonight. It was my intention to start going 5 days a week. I spend 2-2.5 hrs in the gym when I go. the first 45 minutes doing cardio (alternating 15 minutes on 3 different machines) and the rest of the time I weight train. So anyway I had a great work out last night and had to force myself to come home so that I would have time to spend with my husband before he went to sleep. So this morning I still had that excited feeling so I jogged for about 15-20 minutes. Then tonight I went to the gym and I just pooped out. After 15 minutes on the elliptical I got on the bike and I just couldnt do it. So I tried to do some weights but then I gave up, I didn't hve the enery. Do you think this happened because I haven't given myself any enough rest? Should I just work out every other day? Should I not run during the day if I'm planning to go to the gym at night. I only had about 750 calories today, could that have been the issue? Even though it wasn't a lot of calories it was a lot of food Breakfast: leftover home made chicken soup. V8, Lunch: cabbage and turkey smoked sausage, Dinner: baked chicken thigh, cherry tomatoes and a plum, and lots of water all day




  1. drink 1 litre of mint tea every day

    use natural mint leaves, it speeds up your metabolism so you burn fat faster and is great for your skin

    it leaves you feeling refreshed and cool and it tastes better than most teas

    it is great for your teeth too

  2. 2-2.5 hours is far too long you body will run out of energy at about the 1 hour mark any more than that and your body will start breaking down muscle to use as energy.

    If you've only just started you want to take it a little easier, 3-4 one hour sessions is plenty you only start training twice a day if your trying to get your body fat % in to single figures.

    When weight training I find a split routine works best for me so I train each body part only once a week, try

    Chest + triceps

    Back  + biceps

    Shoulders + legs

    Do these on seperate days with a day in between each.

    Looking at what you ate you are greatly undereating you probably went in to the negative calorie zone where muscle wastage begins. To lose weight you need to burn more calories in a day than you consume but dont forget your body burns most of the calories you consume whilst your not working out. Women should never (unless on a doctor controlled diet) go below 1200 calories a day.

    It looks like in you daily meal plan there were no complex carbs which are essential for providing energy for exercise. Add some oats or  whole grain rice/ pasta and that should help you along.

    Good luck

  3. How old are you? This is pretty bad. Your diet is unbalanced; there is far too much meat and very little whole grains, raw fruit and vegetables, plus there's next to no calcium. You need to have a balanced diet, don't cut anything out, because you're working out really hard; good nutrition is paramount. 750 calories a day is absolutely tiny, that must have been an issue. Like I said, you could eat like 3 times that and be fine because you're exercising so much. Also you should sleep at least 8 hours a night. A third of a person's day should be devoted to sleep.

  4. whenever you want its your life

  5. to say, you're dietary habits are quite good. But will be really good if we make some changes...

    In regard to the work-out's you do, please don't work-out for 2 and 2+hours a day. 90 minutes would do. just don't take it serious. Don't strain yourself hard into it. Further if you run, don't go on to gym that day. Hope'ly without spending a huge amount of energy try exercise. Never lack energy and starve. Further minimize the time you work-out so that you could spend some more time with your family. just go to gym for a fun and make a good deal of work-out. Never make a rush on it. Give yourself a sufficient amount of rest. Be brisk. That would do... Further 750cal, a day is not enough for the work-out's you put on a day. Increase it... Have more healthier veggie food.

    Please take a look upon this site below.

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