
When do Infant car seats go on clearance/sale?

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I know that every year the models are updated and their expiration dates are changed to reflect the manufacture date the years it will be valid. At what point to retailers (Babies R Us, Baby Depot, Target, etc.) clearance these items for the new models?




  1. I have noticed them go on clearance around the end of the summer and early fall.

    Getting a car seat on clearance is NOT going cheap! They are making all the covers for car seats so "stylish" now that they put the older prints on clearance to bring out the new ones :)

  2. yes, they do, but generally around end of August or whenever they feel like it.

    Target here had some on clearance the other day. Might want to check, I am sure they mark that style down at all stores.

  3. usually sale prices change with the major seasons because that is when all the new things come out. but they can go on sale at anytime. I would check around holidays too.

  4. Don't take a chance with a car seat.  We ended up paying over $200 for a good car seat.  (My husband is a state licensed car seat inspector and installer) I honestly don't know if they go on clearance or they just discontinue them.  

  5. Buy one at a yard sale.

    They're everywhere & much cheaper.

  6. It depends on the individual store, the district manager, and the timing. I rarely have seen just the car seats on sale, our wal-mart has had the same pile of the cosco convertible seats for over 2 years, as I was looking at them when I found out I was pregnant. I do occasionally see the entire travel system on clearance, usually the graco pooh when they change the fabric. But most manufacturers will usually just have them shipped back and just change the fabric, and call it a new seat(I went on a tour of a factory and they had a whole department in charge of this)

    I suggest you look for a big lots in your area. Ours has a nice one on sale for 29 dollars, base included, and the highback booster I'm looking at is there for 32 dollars, cheaper than walmart and ebay both. Even if you have to travel a little ways, it'll be a good deal. Of course you won't get a fabric or color you like, lol, that's always the way it goes.

    Good luck!  

  7. Don't listen to these crazy people who are saying that carseats need to be expensive to be good.  In order to be sold they have to meet certain guidelines, the more expensive seats may have extra features and padding but are no more effective.  Fine a nice one you can afford.  DO not get one at a yard sale unless you know the person and the history of the carseat.  Once a seat has been involved in an accident it should not be used.  It should also not be used after 7 years (newer seats post an expiration date).

  8. As soon as it goes out of fashion and they get better models in-which you never know when that will be.

  9. I think with car seats you don't need to look at the prices. Get a travel system. A stay-in-car base with carrier that pops in and out that you can also snap right onto the stroller when you go shopping. Graco is usually $170 for all 3 and their products are good from my experience just don't do evenflo because it's too difficult to use & you'll end up buying a new one like I did. Try them out before you purchase! Or take it back if you don't like it.  

  10. The reason is because they do not want to sale them anymore. Eithere getting new car seats just changing or the manufacture is not salling then anymore. The car seats are still good just new ones are made or like I said just chainging to new car seats. Also because no one is buing them not popular by the people.

  11. Basalt === Extrusive

    Obsidian ==Extrusive

    Pumice ===Extrusive

    Granite==== Intrusive

  12. i dont know the exact time, but i work at target and i think there might be one on clearance right now.  but try  there is a much bigger selection online and there is almost always clearance from every department on there.


  13. never go cheap on car seats!  I have been in two very bad accidents and thankful my daughter was not in the car with me.  that is one thing not to go cheap on and something that you would want to spend a lot of money on.  the safety of a child does not have a price tag.

  14. as soon as you dont need one anymore...  

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