
When do Scorpios explode?

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Im a Piscean, and ive met quite a few Scorpios and some of them act extremely quiet and calm with constant smiles on their faces, whilst a few others are loud and boastful, but no matter who they are you can always seem to tell just by looking at the majority of them that deep down theyre hiding their true feelings which seem very intense and compressed.

I was just wondering, what would it take for a scorpio to let out those feelings to others? or is it even possible?

Not neccesarily bad feelings, but more along the lines of love and affection rather than temper.

And if youre a Scorpio, what do you feel inside when communicating with people you either love or hate?

Thanks for any answers.




  1. well if you push them too far and tell them what to do.. that could do it

    but many of the scorpios I know do not explode. they plot revenge!

  2. im a scorpio and i know that i think a lot about my feelings at night so if you wanted me to let out my feelings i would go to a place really quiet and romantic, like a park thats reslly pretty but dark so you can think about a lot and then ask the question you have in mind.

    but dont go "whats wrong" because it doesnt help its just makes [me] hide all my feeling more and more. just go like maybe tel me whats  going on? i ve noticed that you have something on your mind something like that i know that it would work for me.

  3. In general, I am a very quiet person and act nice to almost everyone. But when someone annoys me or offends me in any way, that's when I explode... :P I am affectionate to my family, and to a few friends who were always there for me. I don't really like opening up to people if that's what you mean... I keep my own secrets and when secrets are told to me they are usually never spilled. I will open up to you isf you have the patience that is. People usually say scorpios are mean people, but I don't mind cause not everyone's the same.

  4. If you constantly push us.

    We're defensive so we never attack people for no reason.

    We'll probably even give you warnings by telling you.

    "Please stop acting like this" etc.

    The only way to get to our good feelings is to get us to trust you.

    Which is harder than making us explode.

    Don't lie, Don't be fake, Don't be superficial, and all is well.

  5. I honestly don't show my feelings to anyone. I learned not to trust the whole world. The only person I can trust is my mother, noone else. She has a moon in Scorpio and can hide a secret well. When it comes to love, maybe in writing or a poem will get our feelings out but we're not good in communicating our feelings or thoughts. It will be hard to be honest. You will most likely get a blunt and short answer. Nothing more than that.

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