
When do babies begin to talk?

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About what age does a baby say his/her first word?




  1. the day they were born



  2. That eldest uttered his first word when he was 1. Good luck!

  3. It depends on the baby, every baby is different. Mine is 16 months and has only a few words and my best friends son is 6 weeks younger and has lots of words.

  4. its hard to say any other milestone, babies differ. they "begin" to talk as early as 5 or 6 months, beginning with the typicall ba ba ba mamama sounds.. but i think the typical marker is 12 months for actual words .. cup, dog, etc. boys are known for talking later than girls but still like i said..usually around 12 months

  5. My son turned six months July 28, Aug 31 he said Dada and today he said WHOA, Im still waiting for mama.

  6. You should really check out this milestone timeline:

    Just click "Launch Timeline" and it'll open up.

    It has all kinds of good info on it, best one I've found online so far.  Usually babies will say their first word (and UNDERSTAND what it means) by twelve months.  They generally start babbling somewhere around 6 months, but no real words yet.

  7. my daughter started saying "mama dada" at 9 months and she is now 11 months and says mama, dada, dog, look, uh oh....and some other super basic words. So I would say 10 months and on they start to communicate with words.  

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