
When do babies grow out of reflexes?

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My daughter is 3 months old and when I lay her down to change her diaper or just for us to play on the floor, she still flings her arms and legs out and her face gets beat red, after about 3-5 seconds of this she starts crying hysterically. This could happen after playing for 5 minutes and out of nowhere this happens. When do babies grow out of that reflex?




  1. thats a great question. my 13 week old also has a really strong startle reflex. much stronger than i remember my first three having. i'd love to see some more answers to this.

  2. It's called the "startle reflex" and it has quite a diverse range for leaving - I understand it can take upto around 12 months for it totally to go.  Personally I'm sure I still get it (age 35) when I'm in bed and just dozing off to sleep.  lol..  I'm sure it's connected with the universal "falling dream" a very basic and instinctual fear.

    If baby still exhibited this reflex after 12 months consult a doc about it..  You will find it get's weaker and weaker as the months pass.

    What I found often with babies is that it is just not when they are lowered but also when you move things away from them quick - so say pull a toy/face quickly away that she was focussing on and she will assume she is falling and the "startle" will kick in..  Try and only use smooth actions when playing with baby or moving form place to place until her reflex calms down.

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