
When do babies normally laugh?

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My five month old son doesn't laugh yet. He just opens his mouth big when he wants to. When should he be laughing by? (He's hitting his other developmental milestones though)




  1. Babies vary in when they reach various milestones, if he's meeting all other milestones, I wouldn't worry about it.

    I think my daughter was 3 months.

  2. its different for all babies. i personally never laughed when i was a baby barely smiled, but my mom says the first time i smiled was when she was holding me (i was pretty old). offer lots of affection. Nowadays i laugh all the time and i love life every day, im never depressed.

  3. i don't remember, i think he was around six months, don't stress it though. Your doc should send you home with development papers at well baby check ups though

  4. they say babies can laugh at 3 months... mine just started a couple months ago and is over 8 months..i think that you have to tickle some babies pretty hard..haha for mine anyways.  

  5. My neice laughed around 6 months

  6. mine started at 5 mnths. but the real hearty laughs come a couple months later. just u wait!

  7. i am not really sure but you will loooovvveeee this video this baby is sooo cute!

  8. try tickling him in the ribs.

  9. anytime

  10. try making funny faces are tickle him, that always works

  11. my daughter is almost 4 month and laughs when she wants to.. if we fake sneeze she will laugh like crazy.. and sometimes she just screams at us...

  12. my son is 4 months and he started this about 2 wks ago.  But every baby will do things at different times.  Not to worry.  if he's hitting other milestones then he's doing just fine:)

  13. try making funny faces,tick;e him a little or play peek a boo

  14. According to Cynthia Dedrick, PhD "Development Milestones" the age is 2 - 6 months (normal range.)

    STUDIES PROVE: Babies are not born with a sense of humor, but mimic from their parents or those around them. It's advised to start teaching your child early to laugh and to slowly learn a good sense of humor. Stats prove that families with a good sense of humor have a closer relationship with one another and often can resolve serious problems in the family far easier without arguing.

  15. usally 3 months,we tickle my 4 month old brother and he cracks up laufing,thickle him around his neck and knee's and thigh's :)

  16. My daughter first laughed at 5 months. My husband was acting like he was tossing her in the air, but not letting go of her. (you know what i mean) He did it like 3 times and she laughed! It was the sweetest and funniest thing!

  17. My 5 month old son has been laughing for months now. He gets laughing so hard that he cracks everyone else up that is around. He will laugh at the weirdest stuff. The dog will scratch himself and he laughs like crazy. If he see's himself in the mirror, he will bust out laughing. But , it was just a week or so after he came home from the hosipital that he was laughing.  

  18. My niece started laughing at about 2 months.  But don't worry, your son will be fine!


  19. Don't worry, My 5 month old daughter has just started with the belly laugh (only once or twice) She usually grunts or opens her mouth wide while smiling really big. He will start soon and when you least expect it. We heard her first belly laugh when her daddy was blowing the deer call playing with our dog and she thought is was hilarious. We tried doing it again when grand maw was here and we didn't even get a smile (lol)

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