
When do babies start recognizing their name?

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When do babies start recognizing their name?




  1. My son is 11 months old and he's known his name for the last few months

  2. 6-8 months.

    But it varies.

  3. its different for all babies some ppl get confused and think that their kid knows their name when they really dont. This one baby would turn at 10 months everytime you said his name then when  found out it didnt matter whos name you called he would look lol but it was still cute

  4. My daughter started to differentiate between her name and her sister's name just before she was 4 months, which is fairly early, but don't worry if your baby doesn't until about 8 months, all babies are different!

  5. around 4-6months.

    He's almost 7months now & knows his name very good

  6. I was told around six months they start recognizing some words.  

  7. you know i actually cant remember....

    but she is 12mos now and has recignised her name for a while - but then half the time she chooses to ignore me, then when i repeat her name she looks at me like 'for goodness sake, what is it, im busy'

  8. my daughter is 4 1/2 months old and she recognizes her name.

    thanks for the thumbs however when I say "Charlotte" to my 4 1/2 month old and she looks right at me than she is recognizing her name.

  9. at like 10 mon.

  10. My son started to "recognize" his name around 6 months.  What he really was picking up on though was how we said his name and how it seemed really important.  He didn't really understand that "Aaron" meant him.  I think around 9-10 months they actually get that you are talking about them.

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