
When do baby Guppies start to get their color?

by  |  earlier

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I've had them for about a week or so.




  1. They get a tiny bit of their color at 2 weeks. Only black though. Not any other color. They get more of their colors at 1 month. At 2 months they have quite a bit of color. By 3 months they should have pretty much all of their color and they will also be able to breed at 2 1/2-3 months. The males are fancier and the females are less fancy. Everything I said up there is mostly for males. That is true for some females though. The females will start to get some color at 1 month. Then at 2 months they are really close to being done getting their colors. Some are done getting color at 2 months.

    If you look at the fry really closely, you might see some black spots if the adults have black on them. Sometimes they get color really early.

  2. If they are female they wont.

  3. It depends on the kind of guppy it is.  Half black guppies are often born with their back halves already dark and blonde guppies are often born already paler than all the other fry, but most are just plain grey until at least 4 weeks.  At that age, some males and more colorful females may begin to show a little bit of color on their tails.  Usually the darker colors come in first, then the reds and yellows will gradually begin to show, and greens and blues will develop last.  It's never a good idea to jump to conclusions about what color a guppy will be at first, because sometimes a guppy's tail will start out pale yellow, then turn orange, then red, then shift to blue as it ages.  Generally the finer shades like purple, pink, turquoise and dark red don't set in until the fish is fully grown and may not become fully apparent until a guppy is a good 4-6 months old.  This is often the case with delicate patterns and tail shapes as well, such as lyre tails, crown tails, snakeskins and cobras.  The suggestion of such patterns can be seen earlier, but a guppy can change a lot in the first few months and may look very different at 3 months from what it finally looks like at 6 months.

  4. about.. a month

  5. Its between 20-30 days. Both male and female will get their color but to all fishes, males tend to be more colorful than the female. Most female guppies is silver color from its head to the mid of its body, mid to the tail is colorful.

  6. About three weeks, thats how old mine are and I just noticed the starts of color on some of them.

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