
When do bikers (bicycle riders) have the right of way?

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So I was driving today at 25mph and there were no stop signs on my street, but stop signs on the perpendicular street. Anyhow, a biker was coming toward me but I thought I had the right of way since there was a stop sign on his side. Anyhow, he got really upset, slammed my car and yelled "you don't want to cut me off!!!"

I guess bikers don't have to abide by stop signs, but in this particular scenario, would have the right of way? Another thing too....if bikers are not in the bike lane, but in the street-what can drivers do if they can't fit their car because the bikers are biking nearly in front of them?




  1. Bicycle riders have to obey all traffic laws as vehicular traffic does but since they are smaller and slower they are granted some leeway.

  2. Cyclists have to follow the same traffic laws as a motor driven vehicle, including speed. you more muscular cyclists...beware.

    My knew worked with a guy who was a body builder and bicycle racer. The cops actually gave this guy a ticket for doing 55 in a 45.....on his racing bike. My dad didn't believe him until he showed the ticket.

  3. Always, at least in California. They're considered "motor-driven Pedestrians."

  4. While many bicycle riders are totally ignorant of the facts, they are REQUIRED to obey the same traffic laws as any other vehicle operating on public roadways.  

    In the scenario you described, if the bicycle ran the stop sign and entered the intersection in front of you, then HE was at fault, and could have been ticketed for it.

  5. Bikers have to follow the rules of the road just as we do but alot of them do not so to answer your question, we need to keep our eyes open all the time and give them the right-of-way all the time..........

  6. They always have to obey all traffic laws, but God help you if you hit one; then, they become pedestrians.

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