
When do birds start nesting? I have built a birdbox, no guests yet?

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When do birds start nesting? I have built a birdbox, no guests yet?




  1. you may also find that they wont nest as yet as it still has a newness about it and has to have time to develop a mature atmosphere about it ,no im not pulling your leg

  2. Depending on how cold it is ,however usually around March, just don't have it facing south if there is a lot of hot weather your wee chicks will cook in there own wee oven.If you have birds in your area they will find and use your box.

  3. Don't worry...they will find it!

  4. Any time now depending on type IE blackbirds and sparrows are building now swallows and house martins start may / June.

    My last nesting box had blue **** in first year

  5. Nesting season starts very soon...depending on species, they start sometime between March and May and continue through July.  Not sure where you live..but potential bird box residents can be wrens, chickadees, bluebirds, titmice, nuthatches, swallows, etc.  You might also get some non-natives such as House Sparrows or European Starlings nesting as well.  Don't be discouraged if no one takes up residence this year...they may use it next just keep it up there.

  6. This of course depends in which country you are, and where you are and the breeds of birds in your area. Assuming you're in England the early nesters like Herons, Rooks and Crows are building their nests now, but they don't tend to use nest boxes. The birds which most likely will ,are Bluetits, and they will nest when there is a large supply of Caterpillars with which they feed their young - late April to June depending on the weather. Your bird box should be located in a safe place i.e. not reachable by cats. In late summer when you are sure it has finally been vacated, give it a good clean out ready for next year's occupyers.

  7. It depends upon their egg laying period.  Generally birds lay eggs just before favorable conditions start that is, when they have plenty of food available for young ones.  So keep figure crossed they will come.

  8. Try some of these pages.

    Wild birds usually start to breed in the spring. The boxes must be right for the species of bird you are trying to attract, facing the correct way and the right height and location.

    Hope they help.

  9. Usualy start noticing them looking in the boxes in March.They will use your's this year, we put one up last year in March, and within half hour the Blue **** were checking it out.

  10. It usually takes 2 or 3 years before it's used

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