
When do boys start shaving. My son is almost 16 and he doesn't yet

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When do boys start shaving. My son is almost 16 and he doesn't yet




  1. Is he growing noticeable facial hair? He'll start shaving when he's ready, I suppose. No rush- everyone is different. :)

  2. every boy is different...some may have been shaving from 13 while others won't need to start till they're 18. If you think he needs to then buy him a razor and suggest he should start shaving.

  3. I would say to shave if there is noticable facial hair and it seems like other kids his age are doing it (yes peer pressure)-otherwise don't sweat it.  I started shaving my legs when I was 12 because  a boy made fun of my legs when I was wearing shorts and said they were really hairy.  None of my girlfriends at the time were shaving-but I told them that I got made fun of so they started shaving too.

  4. When the voice breaks is a good sign.

  5. whenever they choose to

  6. i started at 15 but i only shave about once a week and the facial hair only grows just above my lips.

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