
When do braces begin to hurt?

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I'm getting braces next week. It's in the morning, and so I'll have them for school during the day, and for lunch. My appointment is at like 8:30, and lunch is at 11:45. I was wondering if I should go get a smoothie during lunch time, or just get a normal lunch... I know they hurt like crazy that night and the next day, but I was just wondering if they would hurt... I want to eat my dang food! Hahahaha! Please help me!




  1. I got my braces on about about a year ago and yes they do hurt. Mine hurt for a  few days.... I'd recommend that you either take a panadol or neurofen. they often work well with brace pain. and for lunch I would not eat something hard and'll hurt, also dont eat a smoothy cause their cold right? that might hurt a bit so if I were you id eat something loop warm like loop warm soup.  

  2. When I got them, it hurt almost right away actually. Take it easy on the foods lol.

  3. i am 13 and when i got my braces they were sore for a week or so. just eat soup and soft things untill they are better. But i think you need a smothie either way. lol

  4. you would need to get a smoothie for sure. haha when you first get them your teeth are sore for a couple of days. and after that its only sore when you get them tightened.

  5. for most people, braces hurt for a very long time once you first get them on

    when i first got my braces on, i had to eat soup and other soft foods for what seemed like forever

    but it was completely bearable

    and you definitely should get a smoothie

    good luck!

  6. The next day.  

  7. you should get a smoothie or something that is really soft because if you have hard food then u will be in pain like all day and you might b in pain aftr like 2 hrs

  8. When i got mine thet did not hurt for about 5 or 6 hours and it takes about an hour to put on. So you probably could get anything you wanted. I remember eating chicken nuggets and fries.

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