
When do children receive free nursery places? My daughter was 3 on 5th January and new term started 8th?

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When do children receive free nursery places? My daughter was 3 on 5th January and new term started 8th?




  1. Call your local council, ask for the education department (the LEA=Local Education Authority).

    Ask them what the situation is, they should be able to help.

  2. are you from uk? if you arnt cant help you sorry

    if you are i thought nursery starts easter? ask your health visitor as my son will be 3 in a year in feb and i have him already signed up for nursery to go at easter.

  3. Should be the 8th then

    They get the free place the term after their 3rd birthday.

    It just depends whether the holiday counted as the end of the last term or the beginning of this one.

  4. they say it's the term after their 3rd birthday so it's either now or next term. ask the nursery they advised me on my son who turned 3 in december.

  5. It's the term AFTER they are 3 so she should be free!!

  6. have you been to thenursery she,ll be attending? You have toput her name down with them. If you go in person to see them or give them a phone they,ll be able to tell you if she should be and if theyve got any places or ifnot when she can get in.  If she should be in and theyve noplaces contact the local council who should be able to tell you where she can get a place

  7. it should be this term,buut some nurseries do charge unit funds esp if they are catholic schools i use to have to pay £16 every term.xx

  8. your daughter is now entitled to a free nursery placement it doesn't matter that term had already started.

  9. Now. Get her to Nursery.

  10. Your daughter should be going to nursery now, i am nursey nurse and work with pre schoolers.  She is eligable for 2 and a half hours free monday - friday.  I would  recommend that you go and view a few different nurseries to make sure that you have chosen the right one, or go to a proper school and register her there if you havent all ready done so.  She can eitehr do a morning session from 9.00am - 11.30am or afternoon sessions 1.00pm - 3.30pm.  Hope i have helped you good luck.

  11. The term after your child's 3rd birthday. You should have registered her after her 2ND birthday and you would have been given a place date last May to start in April this year. If you had a place you could start your child the day after her 3rd birthday but would pay 2.50 an hour until April.  Parents who do this only use 2 hours 9.15-11.15 then the child isn't missing too much of the nursery session. Other wise the parent would have to pay another 2.50 for 1/2 an hour. Good Luck.

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